8 posts tagged with Language and etiquette.
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Working together on ableism

What can we as community members learn from each other and help each other improve about posting and commenting around issues that relate to disabilities/differences? [more inside]
posted by warriorqueen on May 30, 2022 - 174 comments

Grammar Corrections are Douchey, Right?

like when someone posts: "To be honest, the income difference doesn't phase us....." I wouldn't respond with "faze", right? Even if *I* like to be corrected?
posted by DMelanogaster on Aug 9, 2013 - 207 comments


Recently jessamyn rushed to edit the title of an Ask Metafilter question, changing it from "Nice bag that isn't gay" to simply "Nice bag." Today, on Metafilter, there is "It's harder than you think to differentiate between what's gay and what's High School Musical." Why is one offensive, and one is not, if they both reference ideas that are generally accepted as being attractive to gay men?
posted by four panels on Aug 24, 2007 - 72 comments

weird phrasing in question

Strange superlative.

I have many delicious vegetarian recipes, but I better not tell this guy. I would hate to be responsible for him punching his mother in the mouth.

Or worse, my mother.
posted by Methylviolet on Sep 26, 2005 - 70 comments

Be Nice to the N00bs.

I'd like to remind everyone that we have some new users, and we really ought to encourage them as much as possible. While I agree entirely with the Q-man's sentiment, name-calling is counterproductive to the site, especially when it's a user's first FPP.

This isn't so much a call-out on quonsar, but a reminder that discouraging the new users is detrimental to the health of the site.
posted by jpoulos on Apr 29, 2004 - 93 comments

Can we stop with the vagina comments?

Can we stop with the vagina comments?
posted by monju_bosatsu on Dec 5, 2003 - 182 comments

Use of "retard" draws ire

apparently, i'm a 'navel-gazing twit', but i'm just wondering: when are the developmentally disabled going to get the same degree of respect we afford the niggers, kikes, bitches, wetbacks, and gooks?
posted by mlang on Jul 9, 2002 - 156 comments

Do we need all this alarmist language?

are we FearFilter now? lots of alarmist language used in frontpage posts in the past few months. it seems like we're posting with language forms we've learned from major news sources, which have turned into "all-crisi-all-the-time" media channels. is it appropriate?
posted by patricking on Nov 15, 2001 - 15 comments

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