5 posts tagged with Mathowie and video.
Displaying 1 through 5 of 5. Subscribe:

Your Plus is in my Reader

Matt Haughey and his random tweet lead to a larger soapbox for him to complain about the changes to his beloved Google reader [more inside]
posted by TangerineGurl on Nov 4, 2011 - 95 comments

The Blogfather

On the eve of MetaFilter's twelfth birthday, the Willamette Week sits down with Matt Haughey to talk about his roots at the dawn of the blogging age, the value of lifestyle work vs. captaining industry, and the future of community blogs in an online landscape increasingly dominated by Twitter, Facebook, and mobile browsing.
posted by Rhaomi on Jul 13, 2011 - 102 comments

Matt's 2011 SXSW Talk

Lessons from 11 years of community - a video by some guy who runs a blog. (2011 SXSW)
posted by blue_beetle on Mar 14, 2011 - 73 comments

MacSaber makes Gizmodo's Top 5 Hacker Vids

MacSaber makes Gizomodo's Top 5 Hacker (?) Vids.
posted by juv3nal on Dec 28, 2006 - 17 comments

Star Wars Kid, Redux

As an update to this thread. Thanks Matt, for making me laugh yet again.
posted by karmaville on May 22, 2006 - 45 comments

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