54 posts tagged with MetaFilter and Mefi.
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Where is the mefi IRC channel?

Oh where, oh where is the mefi IRC channel?

I'm a IRC addict and I wouldn't mind chatting with other mefi members.
posted by ewwgene on Nov 30, 2001 - 2 comments

Single link for a whole post?

We should be able to refer to a topic (i.e. whole of thread) using single link - in a way that will allow us to send it via email to other people who are likely to be interested, but don't use metafilter regularly.

posted by vinod on Oct 1, 2001 - 3 comments

Does anyone want to meet up?

Having just come back from meeting Matt and many other MetaFilterites at SXSW, (MeFi actually got name-checked on damn near every panel I attended...) I'm curious to see who would be interested in having some sort of in-person gathering where we could all get together to meet.

Or maybe even multiple ones, in SF NY and Austin, say...? Would anyone be up for that sort of thing? And what would we call it? MeFiFoFum Day?
posted by anildash on Mar 14, 2001 - 18 comments

Double your fun

it seems an awful lot of us regulars click-through to double posts, just to see how they will be handled. it's interesting, because a double post creates a whole new dynamic. we don't want thread-related discussion going on over there, but we apparently enjoy and even participate in the double post related discussion. do we need a name for this phenomenon, or at least a sniglet? other thoughts?
posted by Sean Meade on Mar 5, 2001 - 10 comments

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