6 posts tagged with Policy and advertising.
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That was an ad.

Today there's a post that is only a series of links to a single retail website. The thread head offers no critique or external perspective: it's a glowing recommendation. If I were going to write an ad for that store (knowing mefi is my target sales demographic), it would look a lot like that thread. [more inside]
posted by diorist on Apr 10, 2012 - 254 comments

Where's the line on product-related content?

MetaShillter: there's never been a deficit of accusations regarding the use of MeFi to push product. Many legitimate Best o' the Web posts contain product-related content. While it's clearly contra-Matt if you profit from a post, where's the fine line?
posted by cosmonik on Jan 11, 2005 - 51 comments

Advertising policy and spammers

I have a question about Metafilter's Textad policy. In general, I find the ads relevant and useful --- I'm far more likely to click through here than on other sites.

However, I noticed today that there's an ad running that asks people to "Play Texas Hold'em", posted by checknraise. Those of you who run Movable Type or Wordpress blogs might have noticed a recent wave of comment spam advertising "Texas Hold'em".

If I had ads on my blog, I wouldn't accept them from people who are also spammers. Does Metafilter have a policy on this type of thing, and is there any way to dump the "Texas Hold'em" ads?
posted by robcorr on Nov 1, 2004 - 14 comments

Why the title change?

Matt, don't you like Jello Biafra? Because the original title of the ADL thread was actually an excerpt from a famous anti-Nazi DK song, as noticed by talos.
BTW, since we're here, let me ask again: is it wise to run the tinyninjas ad even though they sell Iron Cross apparel?
posted by 111 on Jul 23, 2003 - 71 comments

Questionable use of Ellen Feiss' likeness in this ad

While the fad still exists, does anyone else have an issue with the textad for the Ellen Feiss parody? (scroll to nearly the end of the page) I'm not crazy about promoting profit from the theft of someone's likeness without their permission, but then again, this isn't my site. Should the bylaws of the textads merely weed out offensive material, or should they extend to intellectual property issues as well? While they may be two different things, a recent story on NPR highlighted that cafepress is deleting "Ellen Feiss" related stores as fast as they are created.
posted by machaus on Sep 1, 2002 - 20 comments

Should we run ads?

Okay, we've discussed it before, but now having looked at the stats for the last couple of months, ADs are a real possibility. Last I checked the average AD payout was $1 ever 1000 page views. Now, with MeFi getting over 5,000,000 a month, that's $5000 a month in revenue. That could keep Matt happy all year round and MeFi up for life. Comments?
posted by Neale on Jun 4, 2001 - 14 comments

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