24 posts tagged with Post and fpp.
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Why was this post not deleted?
This post does not seem beloved by its countrymen.
Possibility of occasionally doing two FPPs in a day?
This has happened several times, but today's example is a bit frustrating. I did a post about Norway and the Winter Olympics, which went live at 12:02. At 12:14, I spotted the perfect fodder for another (even better) FPP, namely the spectacular hair of MulletFest. But couldn't do a post (or even start to edit one) as over 23 hours still had to elapse (and I'm away tomorrow judging a baking competition somewhere hopefully warm and, ironically, getting a haircut, so I can't post then anyway). As this afternoon has gone on, more linkworthy content has appeared [1][2][3], making it more frustrating that I can't do an FPP. Could there be exceptions, or a place on MetaFilter where people can drop a "I can't post about X, but it's there if someone else wants to"? Otherwise most MeFites remain unaware of e.g. the latest hair fashions. Thank you.
post it!
You should post that.
That link you saw would make a good post - you even said so.
Post it! [more inside]
FPP titles that made you smile or laugh
One of the more splendid attributes of the MetaFilter community is the regular ability of MeFites to write titles of posts that are offbeat, witty, hilarious or smart. A few recent ones I've enjoyed include this and this. While Y(humor)MMV, what post titles have you particularly enjoyed?
unique distinct idiosyncratic peculiar
I've noticed that I use a pair of tags for my front page posts that no other or only a few other posters use. Doing some digging, I've found a few unique or highly limited tags. Do you know of any more? [more inside]
Backdoor FPP?
Is there a consensus on "backdoor FPPs?" I have noticed a few - do people think they unnecessarily steer a thread? Takeover discussion? Provide a new viewpoint and welcome context? [more inside]
Putting the "Meta" in "MetaFilter"
Based on the front page, I can tell that other posters use some of the same resources to find potential FPPs that I do. I'll lay my cards on the table, and hope you do the same... [more inside]
Insert Title Here
This maybe just me with a particular writing hangup, but does anyone else find it difficult, sometimes have a "mental block", to come up with a title for the FPP they have constructed? End up sometimes spending more time on the title than constructing the rest of the FPP? Have abandoned FPPs as cannot come up with a decent title? Or have a fear that, no matter how good the FPP, a rubbish title will mean everyone will pass over it? Highly related; any tips for coming up with "good" (subjective, yes) titles. [more inside]
The Joy of FPPing
To people who have done this; why did you create Front Page Post(s) on MetaFilter? The motivations are interesting in themselves, and may also provide positive reasons for people to cross the rubicon from lurker to poster. [more inside]
Linking as approval?
Is linking to a site endorsement of a site? [more inside]
...the primary buffer panel just fell off my gorram post for no apparent reason...
So, I made a post last week and now the main link (the only one above the "more inside") is broken. It's a youtube video that was apparently removed by the copyright holder. What is normally done in these situations? Do y'all summarily delete? Ignore? Is it at all possible (or even worth it) to re-work the post? [more inside]
Mormon temple ceremonies
I think other versions of this post linking to a video of Mormon temple ceremonies ought to stand if they're offered. [more inside]
Getting good at writing FPPs
Am still a relative newbie here, and finding MetaFilter a fascinating source of high quality / low noise information and interesting stuff. But am struggling a bit with writing FPPs. So far, have had 7 go up, but 4 pulled. Stressing that am not complaining; every time there's been a reason politely given why, and I've retrospectively thought "Yeah, that's a fair point."
But it would be nice to consistently put up interesting and always legitimate FPPs. I feel a bit that am learning the ropes of doing proper FPPs by trial and (often) error - perhaps have gotten practice on other forums, that are slightly or very different to Metafilter, hardwired into me and it's difficult to spot other than retrospectively when it's pointed out.
Is there a sandbox area, or some other mechanism for getting other people to look at one's FPP before it goes 'live', to see that it's legitimate (beyond the clear warnings not to self-promote) in terms of content and style and any other criteria? I have no problem with constructive criticism, peer review et al.
Good posts are new?
Question about good posts: "new"? [more inside]
Detynt detente
When crafting a front page post, you may end up using the copy/paste feature of your OS. Some web sites are using Tynt to track copying and insert links and other useless info into your clipboard. John Gruber discusses the annoyance that Tynt causes and how to cut it off at the start.
The Metafilter FPP Game!!
The Metafilter FPP Game!! [more inside]
There is a snark in the title, covered with a URL
I'm as big a fan as anyone of the LOL-christian/republican-does-something-out-of-character story, but this is in poor taste.
Deletion emails?
My FPP was deleted (not complaining; I agree with the reasoning). Aren't I supposed to get an email about this? I didn't. Forgive me if that's not the policy. I thought it was.
Fix a spelling mistake, please?
Mathowie et al, can we get "Chacno" changed to "Chaco" in this FPP?
Why is this post still up?
The Delta is (probably) declaring bankruptcy thread, which features nothing more than a rumor backed up by a link to Delta's home page, is truly teh suck.
Metafilter is not about us
MetaFilter is not about us; it's about what we find out there on the web. If so, we should be in the background of our posts if not outright invisible, and we should avoid phrasing our posts as personal blog entries. First example: "I found no post ... I only post it now ... as I see in my weblog's referer log ... that's how a few people found my site." Second example: " I hope ... I've searched ... It has special relevance to me since I am ... Being 25 and wanting to pay off my loans, I may have ... " And posts like this, which are all about personal experience and nothing else, are right out.
Remember single-link posts?
Remember single-link posts?
A glance at the front page soon reveals they are now the exception rather than the rule. This is perhaps due to MeTa influence. You know: "Add a link or two for context/to show you care/as proof you can google". And yet great single-link posts, like this one, are probably the most appealing and difficult to get right. Not least because I suspect most users will only click on what they assume is the main link. Have multi-link posts become the norm or are they just a passing trend?
A glance at the front page soon reveals they are now the exception rather than the rule. This is perhaps due to MeTa influence. You know: "Add a link or two for context/to show you care/as proof you can google". And yet great single-link posts, like this one, are probably the most appealing and difficult to get right. Not least because I suspect most users will only click on what they assume is the main link. Have multi-link posts become the norm or are they just a passing trend?
Should links be described?
Shouldn't front page posts describe the content of the linked material? Lately a few posts have offered a brief opinion of the linked material without describing it (e.g. this one, this one, and this one), which I find a bit of a nuisance because I have to dig just to find out what's going on. By no means am I trying to criticize the posters; I simply wanted to draw attention to a general trend that might need correcting. What do you think?
Should I filter MetaFilter (asks mathowie)?
This thread sucks. The link doesn't jump down to the story, the subject matter isn't very funny or interesting, it's just stupid. The post is too long, the comments are pretty pointless. I would delete it, but it could create more trouble than it is worth. What should be done about sub-par links? Anything? Take the good with the bad?