20 posts tagged with Posts and FPP.
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Let’s see what’s out there

With the December Post Contest beginning tomorrow, I thought it might be nice to review and update this conversation from 2013 of possible places where ideas for fun Metafilter posts can be found. Please feel free to share where you find the stuff you post to Mefi in the comments. [more inside]
posted by zarq on Nov 30, 2017 - 21 comments

Label fiction please?

In this post there is a fictional tale. The title/body of the post itself does not contain any indication this is fictional. [more inside]
posted by el io on Sep 25, 2015 - 201 comments

What do you write your draft posts in?

Having a discussion on Twitter and I thought I could get some more answers from the community about what you use to draft your fpps in. Ideally looking for freebies I can download. Also somewhat interested in how people work, although this is just for curiosity's sake, and not really a problem to solve. (Particularly interested in 'heavy hitters' like filthy light thief, flex, the man of twists and turns, Rhaomi, etc.) [more inside]
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome on Jan 13, 2015 - 47 comments

Dear Buddha, please bring me a pony and a plastic rocket...

Out of curiosity, has any thought been given to another August Best Post contest? [more inside]
posted by zarq on Aug 2, 2013 - 15 comments

Kattullus surpasses 500 posts

Cheers to Kattullus on his 500th post last Friday!
posted by flex on Jan 2, 2013 - 66 comments

MetaFilter covering election day, vote counting, subsequent wrangling

Assuming any MetaFilter users are interested in writing posts or comments during voting and counting, how will this bloggie handle what will be its 4th US presidential election? [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Oct 30, 2012 - 71 comments

Mormon temple ceremonies

I think other versions of this post linking to a video of Mormon temple ceremonies ought to stand if they're offered. [more inside]
posted by XMLicious on Oct 22, 2012 - 212 comments

Singling out the best single links

What are the best single-link posts in MeFi history? [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Nov 17, 2011 - 43 comments

Has the average number of posts increased?

Has the average daily count of front page posts increased over the last five years? When I joined back in 2006, I seem to remember the average being something like 23-25 posts a day. Now it seems to be about 33-36 posts a day. Do the numbers back me up? Or am I imagining things?
posted by jason's_planet on Feb 10, 2011 - 43 comments

I respectfully disagree.

Excessive Moderation? [more inside]
posted by leotrotsky on Oct 14, 2010 - 247 comments

What Links Just. Won't. Die!?

Per this comment, what sites/content/links are most frequently deleted on the Blue?
posted by zarq on Aug 23, 2010 - 54 comments

Where do you discover the links you post to the blue?

Where do you people find the things you post to the "blue", and how do you consistently find them before the rest of us? Specifically to those of you who make art or photography posts here on Metafilter, where do you first learn of the things you link here? Reddit? Stumbleupon? Digg? Certain blogs? Where is the bleeding edge of the internet? [more inside]
posted by Pastabagel on Dec 10, 2009 - 86 comments

Just when you thought it was safe to post again

Is this post about shark species extinction, and the member who created it (a "Shark conservation biologist"), crossing the line into spamming/schilling? The linked article is weak and has an obvious agenda, the user and the writers of the blog linked have many connections and the username chosen by the poster is based on the title of his upcoming book. I don't think any harm was intended but it sounds like the guy is using the front page to sell himself, his cause and his book. If so, is that ok?
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Jul 5, 2009 - 186 comments

best comment ever?

Why do we not want most popular comments from all time available, the way it is for posts? [more inside]
posted by nzero on Feb 19, 2008 - 43 comments

Best posts of the day

So, about this best post of the day thing.. are you announcing it on MeTa every day?

I think it would be kind of cool if you also highlighted it on Metafilter, ala AskMe favorited comments. That way, scrolling back a day or two on the front page I'll be able to tell the winning posts at a glance.
posted by graventy on Aug 1, 2006 - 9 comments

Content or quality?

I'm confused. What is more important to mefites, actually responding to the content of FPPs, or rating their quality? I see a general (hence, no links in this question) preponderance to the former. It seems that many responses to posts are actually rating the quality of it and/or the poster, rather than the content of the FPP. I've read a lot of the sites about Metafilter and maybe I'm missing a concept or something.

I am truly not trying to be a smartass, I'm genuinely interested in understanding this. Thanks.
posted by Slap Incognito on Dec 13, 2005 - 93 comments

posting each day instead of every 24 hours

What if instead of being able to post a link every 24 hours, we simply post ever metafilter day? That would take away the need to count down the hours, make posting easier, and still have the same limiting effect.
posted by Citizen Premier on Aug 26, 2005 - 28 comments

Two unsafe posts need warnings

Two FPP's on the front page need a warning for loud music and auto-download. Stupidsexyflanders' Expressionless Girl has incredibly loud and irritating embedded music and indices Widget of mass destruction, the first link downloads a widget to your computer without warning.

Both should have had a warning about the links.
posted by fenriq on May 8, 2005 - 1 comment

Big FPP's can be annoying. Anyone else agree?

Big FPP's can be annoying. Anyone else agree?

Is there any chance of getting a 'maximum length of a front-page post' limit implemented? Or at least have a suggestion to the poster that their post is a little long?
posted by cheaily on Jul 25, 2002 - 25 comments

MeFi post as callout

I think starting a new front-page thread just to call another user out is going too far, especially when said user explicitly asks to take it to e-mail.
posted by harmful on Aug 15, 2000 - 6 comments

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