9 posts tagged with Response and askme.
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To memail or not to memail - that is the question.

What is the etiquette (or should be the etiquette) of memailing responses to individuals as a result of AskMe comments? [more inside]
posted by corb on Sep 20, 2012 - 32 comments

Corporate Response in AskMe

Interesting response posted in this recent AskMe regarding insurance woes. [more inside]
posted by bunnycup on May 28, 2009 - 53 comments

Apocalypse WOW!

Interested in how to respond to a comment like this one. [more inside]
posted by TomMelee on Sep 12, 2008 - 49 comments

Watching old askme posts

Is there a way to see what old ask threads have recent activity on them? [more inside]
posted by dpx.mfx on Apr 20, 2008 - 15 comments

What's wrong with this AskMe?

This AskMe seems to be broken. It won't let me reply.
posted by Faint of Butt on May 31, 2007 - 3 comments

Highlight AskMe responses by OP

In AskMeFi, there is first the question. Then maybe 5 replies down there is a response by the person who asked the question. But they don't often identify themselves as the original poster, and it is not always obvious that it is the original poster and if I am down the page I have forgotten their username. Is there a way to highlite responses by the original poster? Or a way to make them stand out?
posted by 9000.68 on Jan 8, 2006 - 40 comments

Using an appropriate tone of response to personal questions

Fair criticism: "I think your post was just a little over the top."
Getting too personal: "Pretty poor showing - but hey, we need to hear what [commenter] thinks we need to hear. Who am I to argue with that?"
Over the top arrogance: "Look [commenter], if you had 2mm of latitude to accept some criticism about what you said, this would have been over a long time ago. Don't feel the need to defend yourself." [Because I prefer attacking people who don't fight back -- editorial comment and emphasis added].
Hypocritical lashing out and name-calling: "Senor [another commenter] - other than playing an incredibly biased referee, what are you doing here? Don't you have more important threads to not participate in?"
posted by orthogonality on Dec 18, 2005 - 104 comments

anon needs to be able to respond

Matt, threads like this underscore the need for the anon poster to have the ability to respond in his or her thread. I'm sure that it's not a trivial amount of work for you - what would it take to make this happen, and what can we do to support your efforts?

I think that this is one of the most important features on the to-do list. It must be so painful for the poster to be unable to respond in many cases.
posted by By The Grace of God on Dec 9, 2005 - 56 comments

AskMeFi email notification?

AskMeFi email notification?

I understand for threads that get a lot of replies - an email per response is way too much, and would be more of a hassle than it's worth.

What about a nightly cron job that notifies AskMeFi posters who have checked an "email me to let me know about new replies" box a notice that X number of replies have been posted to their thread? The box could be unchecked by default, of course.

I've found that sometimes, AskMeFi threads that are days old end up getting responses from bored folks who scroll through several pages, so I think this would be useful.
posted by twiggy on Nov 25, 2005 - 11 comments

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