6 posts tagged with SiteUpdate and fundraising.
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[MeFi Site Update] September 20th

Welcome to your monthly Site Update for MetaFilter, our beloved community weblog! The last update is here. You’ll find some updates regarding the site below. I’m looking forward to your feedback and questions.

Reminder: I will be the only mod monitoring this thread so please be patient and constructive as I reply to your feedback and questions. [more inside]
posted by loup on Sep 20, 2023 - 188 comments

[MeFi Site Update] August 16th

Hi there, MetaFilter!

Welcome to your monthly Site Update! The last update is here. You’ll find some updates regarding the site below. I’m looking forward to your feedback and questions.

Reminder: I will be the only mod monitoring this thread so please be patient as I reply to your feedback and questions. [more inside]
posted by loup on Aug 16, 2023 - 290 comments

Steering Committee Check-In: October 2022

The MetaFilter Steering Committee is excited to bring you the first Steering Committee Check-In! Inside we have some updates on what we’ve done in the past month, what we’re working on this month, and a request for input from the community. [more inside]
posted by lazaruslong on Oct 3, 2022 - 84 comments

Site Update #9, 2020

Hey all. This is going to be a short update, as we’re all collectively dealing with the spike in COVID cases and attendant disruptions, but we’re planning for the New Years Gala and very much looking forward to it! [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Nov 20, 2020 - 0 comments

Site Update #5, 2020

Hey folks! It is another Arbitrary Two-Week Period and we have another update for you! Things are chugging along at Mefi Headquarters, although a few things (the FAQ updates, the public dev backlist) have been delayed because I have managed to find a way for even a pandemic-compliant misanthrope to get really outrageously sick (hint: it involves a bullseye rash and then a lot of napping.) [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Sep 25, 2020 - 1 comment

Site Update #4, 2020

Hey everyone! We're halfway through our Fundraising Month, and having a great time! Hope you are all enjoying yourselves with it, too. Here are some updates about that and the other things we're up to. As usual, comments are turned off. Drop us a line at the Contact Form if you have feedback, and you’re welcome to open a MetaTalk thread for any subject you want to discuss with the community. [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Sep 11, 2020 - 0 comments

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