2 posts tagged with chat by restless_nomad.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.

Music on the Brain

As the end of another [insert your applicable adjective here] week grows nigh, let’s talk about having music on the brain. Is there always a soundtrack playing in your noggin? Or is everything quiet and that’s a bizarre question? On what occasions has your brain cued up a song with lyrics that fit the situation perfectly, or offered insights, comfort or humor that you needed? Ever find yourself thinking of a tune that would be utterly inappropriate in that moment should you accidentally start singing it? Can you “play” entire albums or symphonies in your head? Can you imagine familiar music differently, perhaps switching up the instrumentation, the meter or even the genre? Do you make up new lyrics to songs as a way to amuse yourself and others or remember things? And no conversation about music on the brain would be complete without a discussion of earworms… when does it happens to you, and do you have a trick for getting rid of them? Chime in! [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Aug 9, 2019 - 79 comments

The Election Debate Logistics Thread

The US presidential debates are upon us, and we'd like to steer the threads covering them so they are fun, readable, and don't break anyone's browser (if possible. Probably not possible.) Here are some things we've been thinking about: [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Sep 25, 2016 - 395 comments

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