4 posts tagged with chatFilter and mefi.
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Mefi Suggestion Box

Obviously we all love Metafilter or we wouldn't be here posting and reading day after day... But, if there was one thing you could change/modify about your Metafilter experience, what would it be?
posted by amyms on Oct 4, 2008 - 257 comments

This is a forum post, not an FPP

posted by ChasFile on Apr 12, 2006 - 90 comments

Chatfilter posts are bad posts.

You're kidding, right?
posted by Su on May 16, 2002 - 43 comments

What do you guys think?

Is every post just looking for opinions? Of the past 6 posts, 4 of them are just posting links to random pop culture links, and asking "What do you guys think?" [more inside]
posted by gramcracker on Nov 2, 2001 - 34 comments

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