4 posts tagged with chicago and tinybeers.
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Steak and Eggy-Weggs, Oh My Brothers
Chicago is known for it's political corruption, hot dogs, tall buildings, cheeseborgers, and tiny beers. Let's go ahead and celebrate those last two at our monthly Billy Goat meetup on Wednesday August 4th at 6pm. [more inside]
Set your expectations low and you won't be disappointed
As promised: ChiMeFi MonthlyMichAveMeetup is a GO! 6pm on March 3rd, meeting at the Billy Goat under Michigan Avenue for a quick drink and then heading to a SEEKRIT OUTING! [more inside]
“They didn't want it good, they wanted it Wednesday.”
The people have spoken: MeFiChiMichAveMeetup will be at the usual time, at the usual place! Wednesday February 3rd, Billy Goat on (under) Michigan Avenue, 6-ish. Hooray!
Still bummed about that Jupiter mission, btw.
Chicago's first meetup of 2010. [more inside]