10 posts tagged with comments and rss.
Displaying 1 through 10 of 10. Subscribe:
Single RSS feed for all comments on all threads I have favorited?
Single RSS feed for all comments on all threads I have favorited? [more inside]
Comments RSS?
Comments RSS? [more inside]
Display Title of Post in RSS feed of Popular Comments?
I use the "Popular Comments" feed to keep track of all the great things you witty people are always saying. Currently, the title of each comment in the feed is formatted like so:
By orthogonality in MeFi
which does not provide any sort of context for the comment. [more inside]
By orthogonality in MeFi
which does not provide any sort of context for the comment. [more inside]
Comment count in RSS
Pony request: Is it feasible to get the current comment count in the rss feed? [more inside]
RSS for Favorited Comments
How about an RSS Feed that keeps track of when other people save your comment as favorites? Then you would never have to check that page manually to boost your self-worth.
Can we RSS for posts and comments?
It would be cool to have RSS feeds on a per user basis. I'm thinking mainly posts but comments would be fine too. Something like http://www.metafilter.com/username.mefi/user/posts.rss and http://www.metafilter.com/username.mefi/user/comments.rss. It'd be a great way to keep up with people whose stuff you enjoy (like everyone's favorite) w/o getting lost in the volume.
Comments RSS for each thread
May I have per-thread RSS feeds with comments for Christmas?
Can we subscribe to Ask.Meta threads?
More ponies.
Can we subscribe to Ask.Meta threads? Please?
Can we subscribe to Ask.Meta threads? Please?
RSS feeds for comments and tags? Maybe per user?
I'd like to see individual comments feeds for all MeFi posts. This would make threads much easier to track. Also, could we get feeds for MeFi tags too perhaps? And what about feeds for each user's posts and comments, like how 43 Things uses them.
baby weblogs like Crunchlandfilter, Miguelfilter, Foldfilter, and Sudamafilter
If each user's page of posted links had comment counts and an RSS feed, Metafilter would instantly turn into a community with hundreds of baby weblogs like Crunchlandfilter, Miguelfilter, Foldfilter, and Sudamafilter.