21 posts tagged with deleted and deletions.
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Deleted Posts Blogs

I'm not clear on how these work or who runs them, but thank you for fixing them.
posted by still_wears_a_hat on Mar 25, 2019 - 44 comments

Mormon temple ceremonies

I think other versions of this post linking to a video of Mormon temple ceremonies ought to stand if they're offered. [more inside]
posted by XMLicious on Oct 22, 2012 - 212 comments

Deletion Stats?

I'm an avid reader of Puke & Cry's Deleted Thread blog, and it got me wondering: Do any of the admins have stats on the most posts deleted in one day? Or, the most doubles (i.e. the most posts on one topic that were deleted - I'm guessing it must be an obituary post, maybe James Brown)? Or, the longest time span without a deletion? Etc.
posted by amyms on Oct 30, 2007 - 22 comments

Deleted Thread

WCityMike got me thinking with his recent thread. I like deleted thread. Frankly I think its uniqueness constitutes BOTW. So...would it violate the rules to do a blue post about it? (AFAIK no one has yet)
posted by allkindsoftime on Feb 1, 2007 - 33 comments

Let me google that for you

Should questions like this be deleted?
posted by matthewr on Jan 22, 2007 - 69 comments

Save My Deleted AskMe

I'm guessing the chances are pretty slim, but I would like to see about getting one of my questions on ask. un-deleted.
I posted This question last night, and woke up this morning to see it was deleted. For this reason "doesn't sound like any problem to be solved, rather some idle 'what if' curiosity"
I've never had one deleted, and I feel it does not violate any of the things mentioned in the FAQ. To quote the FAQ:
Put another way "...if your motivation for asking the question is 'I would like to participate in a discussion about X,' then you shouldn't be doing it in AskMe. If your motivation is 'I would like others to explain X to me,' then you're probably OK."

I was simply interested in how the physics of it worked, and what would happen. I only posted once in my own thread, and that was to answer a question about thresholds.
posted by JonnyRotten on Jan 10, 2007 - 119 comments

Why was this question deleted?

why? I was looking forward to reading this one and had marked it as a favorite (as had others). Do we have to explain why we ask each and every question now?
posted by lemonfridge on Oct 3, 2006 - 112 comments

Searching for Deleted Posts

Dare I ask this but due to the deleted post in this MeFi post being so damn funny I'm wondering if there's a way to search for just deleted posts on MeFi?
posted by photoslob on Sep 3, 2006 - 10 comments

Commenting on Deleted Threads

PieInTheSky Feature Request: The ability to add comments to deleted threads. Please? Think of all the fun we could have!
posted by blue_beetle on May 8, 2006 - 46 comments

Chatfilter or Not?

I assume this question was deleted for being chatty, but what if it had been: "Can you name some scenes in film that feature popular songs where the on-screen characters actually sing along or otherwise interact with the music? I'm putting them together for a project etc etc....". Is everything on AskMe a "problem" looking for a solution?
posted by Orange Goblin on Mar 16, 2006 - 41 comments

Greasemonkey Consistency

Question about deleted threads (not one I created or want to whine about though, I promise!).

I've got a greasemonkey script that shows links to the deleted posts in the style of (for example) "Deleted thread: 48604". Most of these links are valid and show the threads, but some go to a page that says the thread was deleted. Why the two different results?
posted by tiamat on Jan 26, 2006 - 13 comments

Self-Link Deletion

Can you get a post deleted because it is already posted on your own site? even though the post has good info and had a conversation started? post in question http://www.metafilter.com/mefi/45943
posted by stilgar on Oct 18, 2005 - 4 comments

Too graphic for the front page?

too graphic for metafilter?
posted by specialk420 on Jan 26, 2005 - 214 comments

Finding Deleted FPPs

Pony: We've heard it before (a bookmarklet was even developed for it), and the devout scour mefi.lofi for them... but in this age of all the new MeFi citizenry, I think it would be helpful to get an easily accessible repository for deleted FPPs up and running for the benefit new posters to dig through and discover why some posts must die. How easy, how hard, or how pointless?
posted by moonbird on Nov 30, 2004 - 21 comments

Deletion Reasons

I know this has been requested before, and I understand that it may be an extremely time-consuming feature, but please, if possible Matt, could you give us reasons for deletion in MeTa and AskMeFi? I really think that it helped in MeFi and will probably help prevent repeated mistakes made in AskMeFi.
posted by BlueTrain on Aug 22, 2004 - 4 comments

Asterisk for Deleted Threads

OK, it's been suggested before in passing, but I can't find an actual feature-request thread, so I'm going ahead and asking: When comments are deleted from a thread, can there be some residue, maybe an asterisk, maybe an icon, indicating that there used to be a comment at that point, so later non-deleted references to said comment aren't so confusing?
posted by soyjoy on Sep 2, 2003 - 20 comments

Why was the WWV post deleted?

Why was the WWV post deleted? Not clever enough? Isn't the ";)" enough to denote it's some type of joke?
posted by @homer on Jul 16, 2003 - 15 comments

Why was my post deleted?

I'm confused. I posted what I thought was a typical interesting link, but I guess it didn't pass muster, since it was dumped. What gives?

(I linked to it from my K5 diary. Now I have cleanup there to do.)
posted by tbc on Sep 27, 2002 - 9 comments

MeFi post deletion query

noticed a link I posted yesterday was removed? why? It would be nice for any moderator or higher up to e mail someone telling why the link was removed
posted by hoopyfrood on Sep 18, 2002 - 23 comments

a bit of me dies every time a thread is deleted

I'm sure it's an unpopular opinion and I admit it probably has to do with my personal experience of neo-fascist censorship in Portugal, as well as my libertarian views on freedom of expression, but I feel a bit of me dies every time a thread is deleted on MetaFilter. Or perhaps it's just frustration for not being able to read them. Although Matt is as tolerant a person as I know and I've understood the reasons for every deleted thread I was aware of, I truthfully don't think malevolent or stupid posts can't be dealt with by the MetaFilter community such as it is. Why not just leave them be? In time they might just be ignored, as they deserved. But not dignified with deletion. For there is such a thing, IMO.
posted by MiguelCardoso on May 6, 2002 - 146 comments

Why was my post about someone having sex with a goat deleted?

Why is a post about someone having sex with a goat not worthy of discussion. The story had everything - intrigue, surpise, excitement, passion, shock, and much more. I know why it was delete - because mat thought it was 'sophmoric' to post something like that - well I didn't post it in a sophmoric manner, I posted it because it is a very interesting story. I have never heard of anything like it in my life. It makes me wonder whether you even bother to read past the headline before cracking the sensorship whip.
posted by RobertLoch on Feb 7, 2002 - 21 comments

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