16 posts tagged with deletion and comment.
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Comment deletions "with OP's support"?
Not having the seen the comment, I won't second guess the mod's decision to delete. But their enforcement of the guidelines isn't supposed to depend on whether the OP supports the decision or not.
Or am I missing something?
Let's talk about mod deletion policy
I would very much like for the community to get a chance to opine regarding when and if mods should delete comments on Metatalk. [more inside]
Do comments here on Metafilter get "disappeared"?
I have a vague unsubstantiated feeling that some comments I've written got tossed into the memory hole. Am I being paranoid, or is this normal with some justification I'm not aware of? [more inside]
Deleting comments from MeTa
Hey, what's the deal with a joke comment being deleted from this recent MetaTalk thread? It was mild joke and I thought the bar for deleting comments from Metatal was much higher. I would ask in the thread, but when someone else did that, their comment was deleted, so here we are.
Overzealous comment deletion
Just had the comment below deleted from this thread.
I don't feel that the deletion was merited. [more inside]
Deleting the thumbs down?
Much Ado About Donuts
I appear to have just gotten my first comment deletion, out of this thread. Out of concern about aggressive moderation and love for the MetaFilter community, I have several pony requests. [more inside]
lame thread, excellent comment
Is there a way to delete a thread, but leave a comment? Maybe that should be a feature for making me laugh, at least. [more inside]
Thank you for deleting me. [more inside]
Is something up with the AskMe database?
It seems like half the time I try to post an answer on the green, it will show up saying it was successfully posted, then disappear. This isn't just in preview, it POSTs the comment and I get a full HTML page back with the new comment included. But if I look later, anytime between minutes and hours later, the comment's gone. It disappears from my posting history too, and I've gotten no mail from admins or anything like that. This doesn't seem to happen on the blue.
Request: the ability to retrieve a comment that was almost posted to a deleted thread.
A FPP rant was recently deleted after I began to compose my response. Hence, by the time I was ready to post, the thread was closed to new comments... and I lost several good paragraphs that I would have been content to post elsewhere. Respectfully request some scheme (redirection to Preview Page, for instance) whereby content is retrieveable in such a case.
Deletion query
Ah! The sting of deletion has pricked me for the first time. Without getting into boring specifics (I would assume my offense was off-topicness), I wonder if the policing in AskMe has become more stringent? Guidance from the deleters-on-high would be appreciated--I am all for making the site as useful as possible, and also for not wasting my own time.
Metafilter is not for pyramid scheme
It should be pretty obvious that stuff like this should not fly in the blue. Using this site as a quarry for pyramid schemes is inappropriate and action should be taken accordingly.
Plea for editorial discretion when deleting AskMe comments
YA plea for editorial discretion/benevolent neglect. [greater within]
Deleted comment cipher?
In this post a number of comments that (at least in my opinion) were legitimately funny but a little tasteless were removed without notice. Two questions - (1) would it make sense to have a "comment deleted" notice so that meta-comments make a little more sense, and (2) why were they deleted if none of the guidelines were violated?