2 posts tagged with film by mediareport.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.

Adding year of release to Fanfare front page posts

This has been asked before, in Nov 2022, when the site owner called it a "really good idea" and a then-current tech person said it seemed "uncontroversial and positive, so I'll put that on the pile of things to do." Is this still something the community thinks is worth doing? If so, any chance it could be implemented? It might increase engagement in an area of the site that could use it. I know I'd find it useful, anyway.
posted by mediareport on May 4, 2024 - 55 comments

Jandek on Mefi

Just thought it worth mentioning that one of the guys behind the new Pruitt-Igoe doc linked on the front page is a MeFite who showed up in the thread last night to thank MeFi (or Memepool) for turning him on to the subject of his first film, Jandek on Corwood, back in 2002.
posted by mediareport on Mar 1, 2011 - 7 comments

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