12 posts tagged with flag and flagging.
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Strike that, reverse it?

Deleted posts can be flagged but not favorited. Shouldn't it be the other way around? [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Feb 15, 2019 - 18 comments

Flagging update: new free-form text option, tweaking flag lists

I'm excited to announce we're rolling out a long-requested feature: free-form text flagging, a new flagging option that will allow you to, when necessary, leave a brief note when you flag a post or comment. We've also tweaked the list of predefined flagging reasons to reduce the length of the list a bit. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jul 5, 2018 - 71 comments

Help test flagging with a free-form text field

Hey! Help us test out a new feature: a flagging option to leave a short note in a free-form text field instead of choosing one of the pre-defined flagging reasons. We'd like to make sure the core functionality is working well in this thread before rolling it out on the site for actual use, so come on in and kick the tires a bit! [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jun 30, 2018 - 105 comments

I plant this flag in the name of...

Can we please have a rundown on flagging etiquette? There seems to be a lot of "flag and move one" response from the mods as of late, and while that may be the best choice of action for a lot of the scenarios, 9 times out of 10 I'm stuck on the fence as to whether or not I should. [more inside]
posted by FirstMateKate on Jun 19, 2012 - 96 comments

I'd love to know what others think is fantastic.

Pony request. Could we have a page view that would show threads and comments that have been flagged as "fantastic"? [more inside]
posted by marsha56 on Oct 11, 2011 - 30 comments

Request for new feature.

Request for new feature. [more inside]
posted by TheBones on Mar 1, 2011 - 69 comments

Flagged as *yawn*

Add another option to the flagging menu? [more inside]
posted by phunniemee on Jul 14, 2010 - 120 comments

What is the purpose of flagging answers as "fantastic"?

I just flagged an AskMe answer as "fantastic" for the first time, and I'm curious...and then what happens? What is the purpose of this feature?
posted by evariste on Feb 18, 2006 - 14 comments

Why does a new window open when I flag posts?

Why does flagging a post or comment have to involve the opening of so many new windows?
posted by jack_mo on Nov 11, 2005 - 11 comments

Where's the line between being perceived as a shill and a real self-link?

posted by muckster on Jun 7, 2005 - 22 comments


You can now flag posts or comments you find problematic, distasteful, illegal, off-topic, whatever. Just click on the little [!] links and record your reasons. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Feb 20, 2005 - 91 comments

Thread and Comment Nofications

idea (or has this been suggested before?):

what if each thread and comment had a "notify" link next to it; click the link and you get a pop-up window asking if you'd like to send the note, and if you clicked yes, a notification would be sent to matt, saying "this thread needs your attention" or "this comment needs your attention".

that way, people could notify matt of double posts and flamewars while they were reading the thread; this would eliminate the need for matt to constantly monitor the board himself, and potentially cut down on all those annoying double post comments.

the note could either send a separate email to matt, or it could just send a note telling him to go to a page that would compile the red flags by thread. he could see at a glance that 1 person flagged thread (a) and 12 flagged thread (b), and so on. this page would have check boxes next to each comment that had been flagged, so that matt could delete each notice once he had dealt with the trouble post.

if that seems like it would generate too much mail for matt, then a hybrid "star chamber/notification system" : this feature would be activated for 20 active, trusted members (preferably in various time zones).

the main result of this feature would be to eliminate the need for matt to continuously monitor the board himself, while at the same time ensuring that he makes all the calls regarding the appropriateness of any given post.

does my description make sense, and is this an idea that would save you time, matt?

posted by rebeccablood on Nov 2, 2001 - 35 comments

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