17 posts tagged with fpp and links.
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Let’s see what’s out there

With the December Post Contest beginning tomorrow, I thought it might be nice to review and update this conversation from 2013 of possible places where ideas for fun Metafilter posts can be found. Please feel free to share where you find the stuff you post to Mefi in the comments. [more inside]
posted by zarq on Nov 30, 2017 - 21 comments

Almost-paywalls, not quite subscription only.

This is just to say that I was disappointed I couldn't access the article linked in this FPP, and the link was essentially the entire FPP. [more inside]
posted by blue suede stockings on Jan 14, 2015 - 33 comments

What percentage of FPP links get clicked?

What percentage of FPP links get clicked?
posted by Trurl on Dec 22, 2011 - 55 comments

Stop click and listen

I seem to post a lot of FPPs that revolve around podcast or other audio content these days, and It's gotten me curious... how often do you stop and listen to the content in links of that kind? Is it more or less likely than the chances you would watch a video?
posted by Artw on Dec 17, 2011 - 100 comments

Do you click the links in order?

Do people click the links in an FPP in the order they appear? [more inside]
posted by escabeche on Apr 3, 2011 - 72 comments

Posts where each letter is a link

Do users still post in the blue with words where each letter is a different link? [more inside]
posted by dealing away on Jan 2, 2010 - 64 comments

loaves and fishes

Do front page links now open in a new window?
posted by four panels on Dec 14, 2009 - 12 comments

Where do you discover the links you post to the blue?

Where do you people find the things you post to the "blue", and how do you consistently find them before the rest of us? Specifically to those of you who make art or photography posts here on Metafilter, where do you first learn of the things you link here? Reddit? Stumbleupon? Digg? Certain blogs? Where is the bleeding edge of the internet? [more inside]
posted by Pastabagel on Dec 10, 2009 - 86 comments

Could we post weak links to the "back" page?

Could there be something like a Back Page Post? [more inside]
posted by jefficator on Nov 12, 2009 - 70 comments

Is this the record for number of links in a FPP?

Is this the record for number of links in a FPP? I count 106.
posted by Joe Beese on Apr 7, 2009 - 36 comments

URI filtering?

Whenever I preview a post—at least on the front page and MeTa—any &langs in my links became .
posted by Korou on Nov 14, 2008 - 15 comments

Content or quality?

I'm confused. What is more important to mefites, actually responding to the content of FPPs, or rating their quality? I see a general (hence, no links in this question) preponderance to the former. It seems that many responses to posts are actually rating the quality of it and/or the poster, rather than the content of the FPP. I've read a lot of the sites about Metafilter and maybe I'm missing a concept or something.

I am truly not trying to be a smartass, I'm genuinely interested in understanding this. Thanks.
posted by Slap Incognito on Dec 13, 2005 - 93 comments

"Newer" link at FPP bottom is broken.

The "newer" link at the bottom of FPP #19 leads to #24 (Download Abiword) which doesn't exist. The "older" link from #25 also points to #24. Shouldn't #19 link to #25 and vice versa?
posted by blue_beetle on Dec 5, 2005 - 2 comments

posting each day instead of every 24 hours

What if instead of being able to post a link every 24 hours, we simply post ever metafilter day? That would take away the need to count down the hours, make posting easier, and still have the same limiting effect.
posted by Citizen Premier on Aug 26, 2005 - 28 comments

Link redux: MeFi gets too common-linky?

Without getting specific, I regularly see links on metafilter these days to items which not only have previously been posted to every site on the intarweb and my grandmothers mailing list, but which have usually appeared on my television set some twelve to twenty four hours before they show up here. I fully realise that the intentions of the participants re-shape the intentions of communities over time, and that if I don't like it here I'm free to leave.

However, I first got interested in this site because it was the best filter on the web, not the wittiest discussion forum, so I'll poke my head over the parapet one more time to ask the question: what is the purpose of this site any more as opposed to, say, blogdex? Do we still fulfill a useful function, or as Matt obliquely eludes elsewhere, are human filters wearing the orange safety reflectors of the web these days, compared to the robots? And if not, how can we raise the bar?
posted by walrus on Jul 31, 2003 - 56 comments

FPP link-burdened to the point of undiscussability?

Is it just me, or does this FPP contain so many links on such a variety of issues as to be 'undiscussable'. Thats likely not even a word, but you get my drift.
posted by schlyer on Oct 17, 2002 - 12 comments

Commenters Try to Fix Broken Link in FPP

This is interesting. Postroad's post had a bad link and other members went searching for an appropriate link. And finally they did find one which seems to fit perfectly(Good work, Tubes and Real9!)
I had a link too, but hesitated, as I didn't know whether this would be intruding on Postroad's post. How could I tell it was my link he was thinking of? Is it ethical or just Darwinian to provide a FPP's missing link?
So - is it right to "find a link" by proxy, based on a post's wording? (FWIW, I think it's acceptable, but strange).
We all know people who post to the FP should check that their links work. But shouldn't they also hang around for an hour or so to see if any there are any solvable problems?
posted by MiguelCardoso on Dec 19, 2001 - 16 comments

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