4 posts tagged with iphone and bug.
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The website so nice they headed it twice...er, thrice and a half.
Every once in a while, while reading MeFi on my phone, the heading will freak out. Like this. [more inside]
iPhone and the back button
Occasionally, when I use the "back" arrow on my iPhone 4s to return to the main page of one of the subsites, it brings me to a much older version of that page, rather than the version I was just visiting. Why? How do I stop this from happening?
Blank MeFi
So, ever since I applied the 3.0 software update to my iPhone, I've run into this problem where occasionally pages (AskMe, MetaTalk, and MeFi proper) load blank... [more inside]
MeFi iPhone icon unavailable?
Anyone else unable to add a custom MeFi icon webclip to their iPhone home screen? I just get a snapshot of the page, instead of the nice blue MF logo (which was working for me earlier this year.) Other sites with this functionality are working fine. Tech Specs: first gen iPhone, OS 2.0, unlocked and jailbroken.