4 posts tagged with locations by mathowie.
Displaying 1 through 4 of 4.

Where in the world are all these people?!

We've began updating the metafilter KML file again. If you're using Google Earth, point it at metafilter.com/metafilter.kml to get the latest data (it's about 3Mb so it'll take a while). It'll be automatically updated once a week from here on out.
posted by mathowie on Aug 28, 2007 - 36 comments

MeFi on Google Earth

All MeFi members plotted on Google Earth (screenshot of the Western US). To load it into Google Earth, go to Add, Network Link, then put in http://junk.haughey.com/metafilter.kml in the location field. Wait a minute or so for the file and all points to load and you should be good to go.

That file will be periodically updated, but for now you can zoom around and see who is near you on a grand scale.
posted by mathowie on Dec 28, 2005 - 100 comments

Profile Locations

I updated the userpage location stuff. If you haven't noticed, you can now add your latitude/longitude anywhere on earth (not just the US), though I started by converting everyone over from zip codes. I also figured out sorting nearby users by zipcode, and now I'm showing the closest 50 people, along with a google map.

It works great in most cities. Seattle and Boston have a nice layout. SF and NYC are less than perfect because everyone in the same zip code got the same exact location, so points stack up. LA is the worst in that regard. The zoom level of the google map depends on how many people are near you, NYC gets zoomed in, while people in the sticks get zoomed out.
posted by mathowie on Dec 22, 2005 - 106 comments

I worked up a custom google maps view showing every user

I worked up a custom google maps view showing every user (screenshot inside). Once I get it working more smoothly, I'll post the URL for folks to play with it.
posted by mathowie on Jun 30, 2005 - 86 comments

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