13 posts tagged with moreinside and pony.
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Expand posts in-place on the front page?
Link next to [more inside] that would fetch the remainder of the post and expand it in-place on the front page? [more inside]
Pony: Bigger text-entry boxes?
Pony: Can we please get bigger text-entry boxes? [more inside]
A [more inside] feature for the blue?
Is it feasible to have a proper [more inside] feature for the blue? It would be nice if there was a trivial way for the gods to save space without having to delete otherwise worthy threads such as this.
link me inside
Minor AskMe usability gripe: Can [more inside] be a link to the thread? When a question is unanswered, the only way to get into the thread is by clicking "0 Answers." It seems more logical to click on [more inside].
SRSLY [more inside] on blue
I know I just asked about this a month ago, but seriously, how about that "More Inside" for the Blue? With a hard limit for character count, even. Please?
More Inside
A wee pony for the holidays: How about a "More Inside" option for the Blue, so that interesting posts like this one are not consistently derailed by people pissing and moaning about "too many paragraphs on the front page" or some other such useless pedantry.
Can we get a character limit put on the front portion of AskMeFi questions?
Can we get a character limit put on the front portion of AskMeFi questions?
New Flagging Reason
This had me thinking: wouldn't it make sense to have "needs 'more inside'" as a reason when flagging posts? I flagged it, but had to put "other;" and, if memory serves, plenty of good first-time posters have had their first threads derailed by the first few "whoa! muddying up the front page there!" comments.
Differentiating moreinside from main body
On thread pages in AskMe, can the More Inside section be indented like the answers are, or otherwise differentiated from the start of the post?
MeTa "More Inside"
Can we start using [more inside] in metatalk? It's a pain to come upon posts like This one after they've had their desired effect and the comment has been deleted. Because you have to basically guess what is being complained about. [MI]
Could we have a [more inside] feature to encourage people to keep their posts short?
An attempt at a solution to this [more inside]
getting first comment in your own post
how about a textarea on the post-a-thread page to allow you to optionally post the first comment on the thread? reading rich's comment on how not everyone wants to write up such a comment with word or notepad beforehand, it seems like this feature could be useful. no one jokes about where's the "more inside" text, and the ease of use in posting that first, explanatory comment may help in keeping FPPs from getting too large.
"Post with Comment"?
A "Post with Comment" feature, which enables you to post a link *and* the first comment in a thread at the same time.