17 posts tagged with music and community.
Displaying 1 through 17 of 17. Subscribe:

positive feedback

this is your opportunity to share what you appreciate about the people who comment at metafilter as well as the people who work at metafilter. [more inside]
posted by aniola on Sep 7, 2023 - 37 comments

Metatalktail Hour: The Song Remembers When

What's a song that reliably conjures up a very specific time/moment/place/person from your past? [more inside]
posted by the primroses were over on May 6, 2023 - 42 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Voight-Kampff, except it's songs

Is it time for a test game? How about this: I'll post a song, then the next person posts a song it reminds them of — either lyrically, thematically, rhythmically, or just overall vibe. The next person does the same for that song. And so on. Let's see where we end up, and maybe discover a few new tunes along the way! (and whether you are a replicant or not, just incidentally.) [more inside]
posted by taz on Jun 18, 2022 - 143 comments

Do you make music?

Do you have an instrument at home? Or a voice? And a camera or a microphone? Willing to upload to Youtube or Facebook or Vimeo or Soundcloud or your provider of choice and link to it here? Better to be at home sharing music than to be at home not sharing music!
posted by clawsoon on Mar 28, 2020 - 43 comments

A thread for Bandcamp Fan Pages

If you buy music on Bandcamp and have made your fan page public, what is it? (Mine is Mister Meows, but lives at runciblejones because such things can't be changed.) The MetaFilter CD swaps have demonstrated that many MeFites are into music that's up my ally, and it'd be cool to see what folks are grooving to on a more regular basis.
posted by Going To Maine on Jul 20, 2015 - 22 comments

Are you good with words?

Got any lyrics you'd like to see turned into songs? Got any songs that need lyrics? Post em on here and have fun collaborating with your fellow mefites. There's some cool stuff goin on over in the music section, if you haven't checked it out you should, it's awesome, if you don't mediocre might punch you in the dick [more inside]
posted by BrnP84 on Aug 6, 2008 - 56 comments

The MeFi Music Challenge wants YOU!

The MetaFilter Music Challenge is back, (*cue triumphant fanfare, followed by sound of jubilant, cheering throng*) and suggestions for the monthly Challenge themes are open to all MeFiers. This means YOU! You are hereby encouraged, month by month, to offer suggestions, and if yours is chosen, not only will your name go up in lights at the Music page, but you'll also be the spark that ignites the creative genius of some MeFi Musician. A chance at a little slice of immortality! [more inside]
posted by flapjax at midnite on Jun 1, 2008 - 31 comments

Mefi Music Challenge: The Return (?)

Is there interest in the return of the MeFi Music Challenge? [more inside]
posted by !Jim on May 9, 2008 - 28 comments

Would that be a MMOMPG?

Let's have a massive Metafilter Music collaboration. [more inside]
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane on Oct 13, 2007 - 229 comments

Song Challenge

I have an idea for a songwriting competition, and I think the musicians here are talented enough (and have the know-how / equipment) to pull it off. On a weekly or bi-weekly basis, someone (the winner of the last round) could post a challenge (ex: an old-school country waltz about flowers), then everyone who wants to compete could post their songs and the MeFites could vote. Opinions?
posted by chuckdarwin on May 11, 2007 - 69 comments

Compilation Album update

Now that the Metafilter Compilation Album is actually shipping, might it warrant a sidebar mention on the front page? I'll put a little more inside.
posted by nanojath on Nov 28, 2006 - 28 comments

Metafilter Compilation Album is nigh!

Metafiler Compilation Album is nigh! Official website totally revamped! Details within!
posted by cortex on Nov 8, 2006 - 51 comments

MefiSwap side swaps

MefiSwap side swaps - anyone else interested?
posted by whir on Sep 28, 2006 - 36 comments

cortex makes music

Bumpedy bump. cortex comes through for the community again.
posted by Effigy2000 on Sep 3, 2006 - 109 comments

Call for Submissions - Compilation Album

Metafilter Compilation Album
Call for Cover Art Submissions
Music Submission Deadline & Details

posted by cortex on Apr 21, 2006 - 63 comments

MetaFilter: Grand Royal experiment

What if everyone ponied up, say, five bucks to a PayPal account? That's $70K. We make that our max bid, and if we lose, we either get it back or make a donation to a music charity.

While the MetaFilter: Grand Royal experiment sounds noble, it would likely have to be conducted "off-site, yet in spirit". (Unless Matt's anxious for another burgeoning project to worry over...)

So how do we bell this cat, and how many brave mice want to participate?
posted by Smart Dalek on Jan 14, 2004 - 10 comments

eBay auction for MetaFilter song

I believe the oppurtunity has finally come for all MeFites to show their appreciation for Matt's efforts in keeping this community running.

And no, I'm not kidding either.
posted by Smart Dalek on Aug 31, 2002 - 30 comments

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