3 posts tagged with nemises by Evilspork.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.

Metafilter Chat: It Is!

Greetings, Sapients! You may have visited famed site "Metafilter" before - but did you know this: Metafilter also has "Metafilter Chat"! It does. [more inside]
posted by Evilspork on Apr 30, 2020 - 5 comments


Many squamous greetings, Sapients! Itsa Chaturday night, whaddayagonnadoaboudit, look for more Pooza liveblogs? Grill some tofu burgers? Reevaluate your life? Try to take over the world? Chataboudit! (quidnunc #1!)
posted by Evilspork on Aug 4, 2018 - 15 comments


Multitudinous greetings, Sapients! Pop rock quiz, hot lot: Does MetaFilter have an official chat channel/room/area/quadrant/etc.? This is a fact: IT DOES! [previously: the unofficial MetaFilter chat site (yes, I am coordinating!)] It is a very fun and interesting and wondrous place (especially when I am not there) full of assorted cute animal GIFs (especially when Metafilter's Own bread crumbs is there) and random nonsense (especially when I AM there) and perennial nemises (because jeather, your personal nemesis, is there). I promise to you that we do not bite unless you notarize the consent form and submit it in dodeclicate six to eight weeks or greater in advance - guess how that tradition started! The cabal (TINCC) decrees that you guess, as the court records are sealed and salted and bound by blood. Ha HA! Dental appliances. Please stay frosty and/or toasty, and as always, vote your preferred quantum flavor of quidnunc kid #1!
posted by Evilspork on Jun 26, 2018 - 9 comments

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