5 posts tagged with news by mathowie.
Displaying 1 through 5 of 5.

Full -text search indexes go!

So I finally got around to researching full-text search indexes for the database server today. I whipped up some indexes (that are updated hourly) and ran some tests: searches using the indexes were 5-10x faster than the old way. So I brought back tag and post search for logged in users on the search page.

Consider this a test for the next few days, as I would like to bring search back in all sorts of ways (searching a user's posts, favorites, etc), and hopefully this doesn't kill the database server like it has in the past.
posted by mathowie on May 11, 2006 - 35 comments

Readability of MeFi as compared to other popular sites.

Readability Results for http://www.metafilter.com:
Gunning Fog Index 10.70

Typical Fog Index Scores:
6 TV guides, The Bible, Mark Twain
8 Reader's Digest
8 - 10 Most popular novels
10 Time, Newsweek
11 Wall Street Journal
14 The Times, The Guardian
15 - 20 Academic papers
Over 20 Only government sites can get away with this, because you can't ignore them.
Over 30 The government is covering something up

We're just like Time and Newsweek!
posted by mathowie on Apr 24, 2005 - 35 comments


posted by mathowie on Aug 6, 2004 - 80 comments

How to do Newsfilter

News posts: done right and not so right [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Oct 29, 2002 - 17 comments

New and improved Metatalk

The new and improved MetaTalk is now live. Feel free to tell me what you think about it, and bring up any bugs you find in the bugs area.

The old format was date based, like the weblog, but things discussed here weren't really date dependent. If someone asked for a new feature or highlighted a bug, and I didn't fix it in a week, the post was basically gone forever.

I think the new format meshes better with the way I'd like MetaTalk used - discuss and read topics based on the subject, instead of the date.
posted by mathowie on May 7, 2000 - 3 comments

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