175 posts tagged with update.
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MeFi Business/Legal Update Follow-Up

Hi folks -- here's a thread to talk about constructive next steps after this thread from two weeks ago. [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Oct 18, 2023 - 122 comments

MeFi Business/Legal Update

Thanks for your patience as I have worked through talking with lawyers who talk with their experts. This is a substantive update with some news and some questions for the community. The short form is: everyone on the team of people I spoke with agrees that MeFi could potentially be a non-profit organization (with the ultimate determination being made by the IRS). Now we need to decide how to move forward and make MeFi into a community-run organization. I'll give some backstory and a "where we are with this" situation inside. [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Oct 3, 2023 - 181 comments

Site Update

Following up on some concerns raised in MetaTalk threads from a few weeks ago about the role of the Steering Committee and having volunteers working for a for-profit company. This is not the outcome we were hoping for, but it's the one we got. [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Mar 29, 2023 - 89 comments

🎉Fundraising Wrap-Up: You've put MetaFilter on the road to Revival!

A few months ago we came to you with information we had just learned about the dire financial state of MetaFilter. The site was losing money every month and the cash reserves keeping it afloat had run dry. The situation was grim. But MeFites, you stepped up in a big, big way: recurring contributions have gone up by $9,863.10 and we have received $78,857.91 in one-time contributions (both figures are net). This means that according to our targets MetaFilter has more than enough budget to Survive, and is within striking distance of Revive! There are more details inside about the specifics of the fundraiser and how the funds will be used, so please keep reading… [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Jan 23, 2023 - 296 comments

I found my jewellery

This post is now closed to new comments, so I just want you all to know, I JUST FOUND MY JEWELLERY. It was in a re-useable supermarket bag on the floor of my closet right next to my jewellery storage mirror thing (which I put in my closet when I had a baby).
posted by If only I had a penguin... on Jun 13, 2022 - 18 comments

Team Metafilter on Kiva

Did you know that Metafilter is one of Kiva's biggest-ever lenders? Here's a team update, and a call for you to help the team lend even more. [more inside]
posted by mynameisluka on Jan 14, 2021 - 13 comments

Site Update #8, 2020

Hello! It’s been quite a week - our team has been mostly devoted to election-related preparation, including making sure shifts were double-covered so everyone could take reasonable breaks and not burn out too hard. Consequently, this is a short update! Thank you, everyone, for working with us in keeping the site as safe and sane as possible during this stressful time. [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Nov 6, 2020 - 0 comments

Site Update #3, 2020

Hello everyone! We’re coming to the end of August, and things are getting caught up around here. We have a lot of stuff in store, so stay tuned! As usual, comments are turned off. Drop us a line at the Contact Form if you have feedback, and you’re welcome to open a MetaTalk thread for any subject you want to discuss with the community. [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Aug 28, 2020 - 0 comments

Site Update #2, 2020

Hello again, Metafilter! It's time for another update on the state of the site. Comments are turned off for these, but we’re happy to hear from you via the Contact Form. If you want to discuss a particular subject with the community, you’re welcome to open a separate MetaTalk thread for it. [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Aug 14, 2020 - 0 comments

Site Update #1, 2020

Hello Metafilter! Welcome to the first of many regularly-scheduled updates on the state of the site. Comments will be turned off for these, as they’ll cover far too many topics for an unthreaded conversation to manage, but we’re happy to hear from you via the Contact Form. If you want to discuss a particular subject with the community, you’re welcome to open a separate MetaTalk thread for it. [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Jul 31, 2020 - 0 comments

Site finances update, 1/15/2020

Hey folks, time for a quarterly update on how the site's doing financially, and a reminder that the direct financial support of MetaFilter's membership and readers is fundamental to keeping this place operational. Your help supporting this community is vital, and appreciated. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jan 15, 2020 - 0 comments

Site finance update, 10/16/19

Here's a first quarterly update on where we're at with site revenue and expenses. We've made some progress from where we were this summer; your help in funding the site is a fundamental part of that. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Oct 16, 2019 - 0 comments

Team Metafilter on Kiva

Did you know that Metafilter is one of Kiva's biggest-ever lenders? Here's a team update, and a call for you to help the team lend even more. [more inside]
posted by mynameisluka on Oct 1, 2019 - 16 comments

Site finance snapshot, August 2019

It's a little over a month since the State of the Site post where I talked about our current revenue shortfall, and as part of a goal of moving toward more regular financial updates I wanted to give a quick snapshot of where we are now. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Aug 19, 2019 - 224 comments

Updating the MeFi Projects subsite guidelines

Hey, so, MetaFilter Projects! It's one of my favorite parts of the site, where members can post and share their personal creative work. And we've done a little work to update the posting guidelines there, to try and make it a little more clear and generous about what's a good fit. Come on in for details! [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jul 11, 2018 - 53 comments

State of the Site: Metafilter financial update and future directions

Important site updates, folks:

1. The site is running at a significant deficit and we urgently need to make that up. Part of that is through additional direct community funding; you can help here.
2. We're looking at—and inviting community input on—several big-picture questions.

Today I want to lay out our budget and income streams, to explain where we're at and what we need to accomplish. I'll also talk a bit about how the community is doing, and what's coming up in the future. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jun 13, 2018 - 987 comments

Looking back on ten years of FPPs

I've joined many web communities in my life, but none for as long or as wholeheartedly as MetaFilter. I've learned a lot, grown as a person, and taken direction from the thousands of smart, funny, and caring people who write here. And I've been inspired to write, too, putting more time and effort into researching worthwhile posts than I have at any other creative hobby. Sadly, what with work and the news chaos and competing interests it feels like there's less and less time to focus lately, and seeing linkrot erode what I do post is a drag. So when showbiz_liz's lovely celebration of ten years on the blue made me realize my own 10th Mefiversary was approaching, I was moved to do something about it. Nothing on the web lasts forever, but armed with old notes files, the Wayback Machine, and a drive to rediscover my own personal Best of the Web, I plowed through all 149 posts (and a few comments) to recover lost links, check on what had happened since, and organize it all into a single FPP omnibus for your reading pleasure. [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Oct 29, 2017 - 28 comments

I'm home

In the What's New thread a while back, I mentioned I was having heart surgery and being terrified. I received a lot of well wishes from mefites, to which I would like to respond, collectively, Thank You. I've just gotten home this evening to an enormous pile of mail, but I wanted to drop a quick line to say thanks and that I'll reply later in this thread (maybe on the weekend) with any gory details etc. I'm too tired now, but just wanted to show my face.
posted by pjern on Mar 30, 2016 - 56 comments

Improve Account Security With This One Weird Trick (Hackers Hate It)

We've improved password security on Metafilter. So, hey, update your password! [more inside]
posted by cortex on Apr 22, 2015 - 74 comments

Tourette Syndrome Update

One of the first Ask questions I ever asked was about my Tourette Syndrome. A few different commented or contacted me to say that they'd never seen TS described so accurately before. I recently rewrote and expanded that comment into an article for xojane, and as a result, have been asked to present a keynote speech at the Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada's yearly conference in October 2015. [more inside]
posted by Juliet Banana on Jul 28, 2014 - 67 comments

Sad update to a post from a few months ago.

The remains of young Avonte Oqunedo have been identified. My old post on the search.
posted by roomthreeseventeen on Jan 21, 2014 - 2 comments

When is it OK to post an update to an open thread?

Apologies if this comes off as test-post-ish, but I am wondering if there are any unwritten guidelines around when it is OK to post an update on the blue, particularly if there was a former post about the subject and that post is still open. [more inside]
posted by allkindsoftime on Nov 26, 2013 - 35 comments

Thank you all so much - AskMe update

Last week, I asked this question. I really was freaking out and sure I was going to screw it up. The memorial service was Friday, and my remarks were extremely well received. [more inside]
posted by janey47 on Nov 11, 2013 - 32 comments

He's dead, Jim.

To update followers of the Prenda Law porn-trolling copyright lawyers saga, Judge Wright has just issued a catastrophic order [.pdf] imposing sanctions and making criminal referrals, entertainingly littered with Star Trek references.
posted by T.D. Strange on May 6, 2013 - 1 comment

Proposed IRL Update Alerts

A few weeks ago we had a discussion about adding MeFi Mail alerts to IRL when an event is updated. We have some proposed changes that we think could help keep everyone informed if an IRL event is updated. [more inside]
posted by pb on Feb 22, 2013 - 51 comments

Reminder: Please update your Mefi contact email if it's getting moldy

This is just a PSA to remind you that we use the email you have attached to your account to answer contact emails from you (unless you change it manually in the email field on the contact page), and sometimes to get in touch with you if there is a problem with a post or comment, so please make sure that it is a working address. You can change or update your email in your profile preferences under "Contact Preferences," as well as choose whether you want it to be visible to other users, and if you want Mefi mail forwarded to your email. [more inside]
posted by taz on Jan 18, 2013 - 39 comments

Really, no soda for you

Update on this post. New York City will become the only city in the country to limit the size of the sugary drinks you can purchase in March 2013.
posted by roomthreeseventeen on Sep 13, 2012 - 3 comments

Social Media and the Fight Against Homelessness

A wonderful update on my post from July: SOCIAL MEDIA AND THE FIGHT AGAINST HOMELESSNESS [more inside]
posted by jillithd on Sep 4, 2012 - 11 comments

Did you DTMF? Did you eat it? What's its name?

UpdateMe! I solved my infinity antonym problem. Have you had an Ask question that solved itself years down the line? What happened? [more inside]
posted by yellowbinder on Jun 22, 2012 - 80 comments

What Is This Creepy Site Advertising? A book, perhaps?

Upon revisiting the classic Ask thread What Is This Creepy Site Advertising? (a.k.a., the thread where tons of Mefites congregated for weeks to solve the puzzle behind an unusual viral marketing website), I discovered something intriguing about the site in question. [more inside]
posted by jeudi on May 27, 2012 - 33 comments

Dharun Ravi just rolled snake eyes.

Update on the Dharun Ravi / Tyler Clementi case: he has been found guilty on all counts.
posted by Sticherbeast on Mar 16, 2012 - 1 comment

... and I feel fine.

Hey, remember on the blue last spring when we talked about how Harold Camping's Family Radio Worldwide bought all those billboards last spring announcing the end of the world for May 21? And then when that didn't happen, he disappeared and then later resurfaced to refine his prediction? Well, today was it: October 21, 2011 -- the end of the world. [more inside]
posted by ricochet biscuit on Oct 21, 2011 - 5 comments

PS: This Post Has Been BALEETED

Suggestion, not critical: perhaps a way to show that a post has been closed/deleted, in the style of the "X New Comments" update at the bottom of the thread? [more inside]
posted by taz on Jun 17, 2011 - 52 comments

Mix Party!

This was mentioned in the comments section of a metatalk thread about Listening Room, but our very own Narwhal Bacon has released the source for a (far superior, imo) clone of it called Collaborative Jukebox. There is a room open right now for mefites at MixParty.org [more inside]
posted by empath on Mar 19, 2011 - 38 comments

cat thankyou

I posted this question on the green not too long ago about the best cat in the world. My little fellow didn't make it through his surgery but I feel confident those who responded helped make the right decision. Thank you for your support.
posted by smirkyfodder on Mar 9, 2011 - 68 comments

Keyboard shortcut to show new comments?

Low priority comment refresh Nigerian Dwarf Goat (a request even smaller than a tiny pony): keyboard shortcut to activate showing new comments. [more inside]
posted by kmz on Feb 24, 2011 - 58 comments

Make main page do like small pages

Pony request: I like the way new comments are reflected in the document title. Could we do the same for the main page? [more inside]
posted by twoleftfeet on Feb 11, 2011 - 71 comments

What has happened with updates?

Did MetaFilter go all AJAXy? [more inside]
posted by dougrayrankin on Feb 4, 2011 - 3 comments

Site Update Heads Up

We're making some background updates to the site today, please excuse our mess. [more inside]
posted by pb on Nov 17, 2010 - 52 comments

Happy Birthday Me. Or, the one year anniversary of my rape.

Happy Birthday Me. Or, the one year anniversary of my rape. This was me. And I want to say thank you. [more inside]
posted by hasna on Nov 8, 2010 - 147 comments

Sorted into Gryffindor

A happy ending for a MeFite in trouble (and her brother). Faraday Cage, who has been through a lot, should win the Profile in Courage award for the year. Huzzah!
posted by Asparagirl on Oct 20, 2010 - 28 comments

It was and still is amazing.

This classic Halloween comment by np312 gets new life as a comic on flickr. via reddit.
posted by 2bucksplus on Oct 13, 2010 - 24 comments

6700+ posts for a brick of astronaut ice cream and breakfast

Update: to the MSI month at the Museum Contest (previously) mefi's very own avoision was not selected from the five finalists! [more inside]
posted by zenon on Oct 7, 2010 - 31 comments

The Edge of reason

Update to this post on Tim Langdell, Mobigames and the Edge trademark: EA Victorious as Court Denies Injunction Against Publisher for 'Edge' Trademark The court has denied Edge Games’ motion for injunction, citing that it believes that Langdell made fraudulent statements to the US Patent and Trademark Office and strongly believes that Langdell is “suspect,” and has been “trolling” the game industry for licensing opportunities. His actions could possibly warrant “criminal penalties.”
posted by Artw on Oct 5, 2010 - 4 comments


Giraffe-Update! The project to collect one million giraffes has succeeded!
posted by gubenuj on Sep 21, 2010 - 30 comments

2027 in Britain, Again

Update-filter: Interactive fiction Flash Game The Curfew, mentioned and discussed at length in this now-closed post is out of beta and actually playable. Also, have you noticed how much dystopian sci-fi is set in 2027? It's the new 2019!
posted by Happy Dave on Sep 17, 2010 - 7 comments

Get Lamp

Update: MeFi's Jason Scott completed his Get Lamp project. Previously. [more inside]
posted by SpacemanStix on Aug 19, 2010 - 37 comments

With patience, all will be revealed.

Under the flickering torchlight, I saw my quarry: the golden contacts reflecting as they lay against a papyrus scroll from the Library at Alexandria, the dust having not yet covered it completely. "Eureka!" I cried. "All is not lost!" My perilous quest through dust monsters and over yawning chasms and fighting through moldy skeletons had not been in vain. I had reacquired the [more inside]
posted by pjern on Jun 20, 2010 - 17 comments

Update on K & S

Update on K & S (and the effects of your support). [more inside]
posted by fake on Jun 11, 2010 - 243 comments

An Update and A Thanks.

Updates to An Honored Mefite In Trouble, Loquacious is out of the hospital and thanks to the generosity of everyone who's donated thus far, he is now in a position to consider new opportunities which weren't available to him before. Things are looking up. The charity auction is going strong, with the first auction closing today. Many thanks all. [more inside]
posted by The Whelk on May 31, 2010 - 34 comments

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