9 posts tagged with podcast and interview.
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“I mean, old school web people definitely have opinions...”
From the Initiative for Digital Public Infrastructure at UMass Amherst: “MetaFilter turns 25 this month, a shining beacon of the Good Web. Reluctant owner Jessamyn West tells us how rusty tech and vibrant community keeps it vital.” [Elsewhere: MetaFilter: a time capsule from another internet]
The Election Year That Never Ended
Where Cortex is interviewed by Patrick O'Keefe of Community Signal. Issues include the (ongoing) impact of the 2016 election on MetaFilter, member deaths, the recent transfer of ownership and how MetaFilter has addressed casual sexism, racism and transphobia. Recent interviewees include Jessamyn and Matt. Contains profanity.
mathowie on "Quit!" podcast with Dan Benjamin.
Quit! #26: This Is Not My Beautiful Life
Dan is joined by Matt Haughey, founder of MetaFilter and briefly Glenn Fleishman to discuss what it truly means to run a business. [more inside]
Dan is joined by Matt Haughey, founder of MetaFilter and briefly Glenn Fleishman to discuss what it truly means to run a business. [more inside]
75: goodnewsfortheinsane interview
Episode 75 of the podcast features an interview with our newest moderator, goodnewsfortheinsane. Then we recap the best posts of November, the whole thing runs about 1hr 20min. [more inside]
Mr Haughey amusingly discusses MetaFilter
An interesting and entertaining interview of MetaFilter user #1 by Colin Marshall. It's a free podcast, an hour in length.
66: Better Know a taz
Podcast 66 is almost two hours of jabbering, starting with a 30min interview with taz our newest moderator. Then we dilly dally about all things MetaFilter. It was recorded on Friday, October 21st. [more inside]
What makes a good community manager?
"Yeah, yeah. Having a section of the site dedicated to talking about the site I originally designed that just to keep people from jabbering about like fonts that they didn’t like in the middle of a thread about some news event, and just being like shut up, don’t do that; having a place dedicated has been great because then people can talk openly about lots of things."The July 1st SitePoint podcast is a panel discussion on "...the profession of Online Community, how it’s grown in importance and profile, and what it means to today’s Web," conducted by Patrick O'Keefe, founder of the iFroggy Network: with Venessa Paech, Lead Community Manager of Community Engine; Sarah Hawk, Community Manager of SitePoint; and our own intrepid mathowie. [more inside]
53: Raw Milk Talk
Episode 53 was recorded on July 21st and runs about an hour and 20 minutes long. It starts with a long interview with ewagoner about his raw milk/interstate commerce flap with the FDA, and after that we follow it up with our favorite things from the past month. [more inside]
49a: Better Know a Moderator: vacapinta
This half episode hovers around 38 minutes and features a long interview with vacapinta talking about becoming a mefi mod, life in London, and his adventures in a new timezone. The second (normal mefi recap) half of this podcast will be up later this week.