4 posts tagged with preemptive and double.
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Has this 1994 Cheney interview been posted?

Has this 1994 interview with Cheney, in which he advises to not invade Baghdad, been posted yet? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BEsZMvrq-I I couldn't find it using the search feature, but thought I would do a pre-emptive check here and get flamed before a smaller audience if I'm wrong.
posted by mecran01 on Aug 13, 2007 - 45 comments

bizarre skin condition part 2

Did someone already post the follow up to the post about the guy with the disfiguring growths on his hands? If so, I missed it.
posted by serazin on May 27, 2007 - 36 comments

Can I repost it as an FPP?

I posted a link in a comment on the blue. Can I repost it as an FPP?
posted by anjamu on May 12, 2006 - 42 comments

Double links are actually forbidden?

I want to post a link which I consider to be entertaining, but most of all, relevant at the current time. It is, however, a repost, last posted over a year ago. Is the policy regarding reposts that they are 100% verboten?
posted by Mwongozi on Mar 30, 2004 - 23 comments

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