7 posts tagged with racism and askme.
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This is a stupid question on multiple levels.

This is a stupid question on multiple levels. [more inside]
posted by mpls2 on Mar 24, 2009 - 370 comments

korean doctors = robbers?

Is it just me or is "Will the Korean doctor rob me blind??" a mildly racist way to start an AskMe post? [more inside]
posted by randomstriker on Mar 27, 2008 - 89 comments

why are racist questions allowed on netatalk

So it's cool to post racist and stereotypical trolls to ask.me now? When did the rules change?
posted by Stynxno on Feb 25, 2008 - 286 comments

crush racism an sexism forever

I would be more comfortable speaking with someone gay. Is that kind of sexism halal on AskMe? I need a straight interior decorator (gay men make me uncomfortable). Where can I eat in a nice whites-only restaurant?
posted by Meatbomb on Mar 3, 2007 - 180 comments

What's the most offensive, racist joke you have ever heard?

I can't see any justification for this AskMe.
posted by theora55 on Jul 26, 2006 - 136 comments

Commenter in contentious AskMe protests allegations of derailing behavior

Compare and contrast:
How do I deal with a Muslim co-worker who doesn't like me? which is pretty much one uninterrupted chorus of "what does his being Muslim have to do with it?" and How do I keep my [Latino] neighbors from stealing my power? in which someone, i.e. me, asking the same question, was insulted and accused of derailing.
posted by AmbroseChapel on Jul 6, 2006 - 69 comments

Racism on AskMe.

Is it really OK to promote ethnic stereotypes? If not, why do we have this?
posted by Kirth Gerson on Jun 21, 2006 - 147 comments

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