4 posts tagged with searching and mefi.
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What's the best way to search for a post on MetaFilter?
Howdy. I'm searching for a post that I think was made here awhile back of people carrying ridiculous amounts of stuff while riding a bike. I can't find it [maybe it wasn't here]. Anyway, in the course of searching for it I also took a gander through the FAQ in the hopes that I could find information on the best way to search MeFi... [mi]
How can I avoid making double posts?
Drat! Foiled again! If anyone needs a pony that helps prevent doubleposts, it's me. I search (google) and search (MeFi), come up empty, post, and soon discover that I've been had. We've talked about such a pony that uses a keyword, category, or subject engine... how's it coming?
Did I see this link here?
was I dreaming?
I thought I saw a link here a few days ago, about a bookmark that would quickly let you know, using amazon's database, whether a specific cd was put out by a member of the riaa. but when I searched for this link here, it was gone. And I didn't see it on lofi, when I looked there. Normally, I wouldn't care too much about a deleted thread, but I can't seem to find the link in question via google either. can anyone help me out?
I thought I saw a link here a few days ago, about a bookmark that would quickly let you know, using amazon's database, whether a specific cd was put out by a member of the riaa. but when I searched for this link here, it was gone. And I didn't see it on lofi, when I looked there. Normally, I wouldn't care too much about a deleted thread, but I can't seem to find the link in question via google either. can anyone help me out?
Is Google indexing broken?
When I wanted to do a search to find out if someone had linked to a given site in a FPP yet, I decided to try something different. I went to old google and put in this URL, which was the link in the most popular FPPof the day exactly two weeks ago, as a "who link's to you?" search.
Shouldn't google have indexed the thread, then, since it links back to the original article? Strange, that it doesn't do this for a link and lenghty thread on a topic that will have serious implications for everyone on the internet, specifically Americans? Has google dropped the ball? Is this all just a bunch of Tom-Foolery?
Shouldn't google have indexed the thread, then, since it links back to the original article? Strange, that it doesn't do this for a link and lenghty thread on a topic that will have serious implications for everyone on the internet, specifically Americans? Has google dropped the ball? Is this all just a bunch of Tom-Foolery?