9 posts tagged with selflink and spammer.
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seofeed? really?
7 posts, 13 comments? Go back under your rock.
Comment spam
spam spam spammity spam
This is a spammy self-link in the comments of the green, from a shiny new user. The poster almost asked permission in the gray (the thread just below this one), but I suspect that this isn't quite what #1 had in mind when he said to go ahead and make the post.
youlikeme seems to be a spammer
Spam alert
Fuck this.
I don't like the looks of this.
Detroit Wonk got a shiny new MeFi login yesterday (member since: September 4, 2005) and has spent the time spamming the joint with self-links. This uninsightful worm has managed to shoehorn his SEO campaign into six out of his seven MeFi posts, thus far.
Self-link, it seems