9 posts tagged with signups and users.
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Strange user pages exist in the system for potential MeFites who didn't activate their membership

When you search users you get users who started the signup process, but never paid their $5. Strange user pages ensue.
posted by Count Ziggurat on Oct 22, 2005 - 7 comments

Can we close signups now?

Can we close the door now? I'm genuinely happy to have some new blood, but here's the problem. Pretty much everyone who's been reading the site with their noses against the glass has been let in. Hereafter, we're going to get a bunch of folks who happen to be wandering by, and know nothing of how things are done around here. (I don't know if that's the case with notmtwain, I'm only using his/her post as an example because it glares so.) We can always open it up again later, but can we have a moratorium on new users? Just for now? Please?
posted by jpoulos on Dec 1, 2004 - 129 comments

$5, same as in town: perks for signing up

Are these new logins, having paid, getting to see the new ad-free MeFi?

Does the $5 fee come with an uptime guarantee?

Lastly, will Mathowie pay me $5 to rescind my login? Really lastly, what is the returns policy for those who have paid their $5?
posted by dayvin on Nov 18, 2004 - 73 comments

New user signups are back on

Hell hath frozenth overth. New user signups are back on, for a one-time five buck cover.
posted by mathowie on Nov 18, 2004 - 481 comments

When will signups reopen?

MeFi/MeTa not taking new members - Any one got any idea how long for and what new gadgets we're expecting?
posted by twine42 on Apr 7, 2003 - 16 comments

Announcement: new user signups are back on. 20 people a day.

New user signups are back on. 20 people a day are going to be allowed in, starting at noon each day. Only one signup per person, per day as well. Report any probs with it here.
posted by mathowie on Jul 26, 2002 - 68 comments

What happened on on December 21, 2001 that so many people joined?

What happened on on December 21, 2001 that so many people joined on that day. (mas inside)
posted by guyincognito on May 3, 2002 - 28 comments

How do we feel about opening new user sign-ups again?

Since Matt is getting a new server, he mentioned turning new sign-ups back on. How do we feel about this?
posted by BlueTrain on Apr 7, 2002 - 127 comments

Thread/Comment and User Growth statistics, July 2001

Thread/Comment and User Growth statistics are up for July. This is the first month that threads and comments actually dropped slightly, largely because new user signups are still disabled. Also, we broke 10,000 user IDs yesterday. Congratulations, Ricci.
posted by waxpancake on Aug 2, 2001 - 26 comments

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