4 posts tagged with spam and projects.
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Peddle Your Wares Elsewhere

I'm fairly certain that Matt has to approve posts in the Projects section, so I'm unsure of how this post made the cut. The user has only one other contribution from earlier today and it's related to the site he's pushing.
posted by gman on Oct 18, 2011 - 46 comments

Fabulous Edible Spam Creations

I was wondering if the powers that be had given any thought recently to perhaps raising the admission price for Projects. (You know, now that Metafilter rules Google and all...) [more inside]
posted by DarlingBri on Aug 8, 2011 - 45 comments

Shilling projects in askme

Uh oh.
posted by MrMoonPie on Nov 27, 2006 - 14 comments

Circumventing the one-week delay by posting to Projects

Can we keep the rule that n00bs can't post their first FPP on the same day they sign up? Especially when they are just trying to drive traffic to an escorts website?
posted by mds35 on Aug 3, 2006 - 25 comments

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