11 posts tagged with thankyou and thanks.
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Thanks for all the help
Hey, just wanted to say thank you for all the help in several recent health related AskMe questions. They were all about about my wife, Lisa (lynnshaze), who was having a hell of time of it, health wise.
Sadly, she passed on March 18, at the house, surrounded by loving family members.
While Lisa was wasn't an active member on Metafilter, we'd often talk about the site and what was going on here. We definitely discussed the various advice offered on her health issues, which was deeply appreciated.
She once said she often used the site to see what "foolishness" I was up to though, heh.
Family and friends wrote and drew messages on her casket before putting it to rest, which was very cathartic and soothing. Several people remarked they'd want something similar at their funeral, so I share these these photos with y'all to show how beautiful that went.
Thanks again, and as a gentle nudge, have your affairs in order (will, power of attorney, health directive) as it makes things so much easier for the survivors.
God bless.
Sadly, she passed on March 18, at the house, surrounded by loving family members.
While Lisa was wasn't an active member on Metafilter, we'd often talk about the site and what was going on here. We definitely discussed the various advice offered on her health issues, which was deeply appreciated.
She once said she often used the site to see what "foolishness" I was up to though, heh.
Family and friends wrote and drew messages on her casket before putting it to rest, which was very cathartic and soothing. Several people remarked they'd want something similar at their funeral, so I share these these photos with y'all to show how beautiful that went.
Thanks again, and as a gentle nudge, have your affairs in order (will, power of attorney, health directive) as it makes things so much easier for the survivors.
God bless.
Thank you, MeFites!
I'm an inveterate, invertebrate people-pleaser, from a long line of inveterate, invertebrate people-pleasers. It's almost pathological. When I want to say 'no' to someone, I typically have a panic attack, hint around wanting to give a negative answer, then say 'yes' anyway. I then spend weeks kicking myself for saying 'yes' to them. [more inside]
Happy Community Manager Day!
It's the 4th Monday in January, and thus, it is Community Manager Appreciation Day! Felicitations and appreciation to our mods, both past and present: Mathowie, Jessamyn, cortex, vacapinta, restless_nomad, LosterMitten, taz, pb, and goodnewsfortheinsane. [more inside]
Thank you to the organizers of the Secret Quonsar Swap.
We've had the announcement threads, the planning thread, and the "thank you for the stuff" threads, but I think we all need to take a moment to thank the organizers of the Secret Quonsar swap. [more inside]
Thank you, byanyothername.
Thank you, byanyothername. [more inside]
Thank Metafilter
A Proposal: Thank Metafilter - A place to say thank you long after the fact for people helping you in Ask Metafilter. [more inside]
Doctor, eventually.
Thanks, Metafilter. [more inside]
thanks thankyou AskMe question
What's the best way to thank people who answer an Ask Me question? [more inside]
Thanks for the Katrina coverage!
I don't know if this is really an appropriate thread to post, but I feel like it has to be said: a big thank you to the Metafilter community for some really fantastic coverage and discussion on Katrina and its wake. Even though at times it may be biased, uncivil, inane and (of course) newsfilter (KatrinaFilter?), the articles and fantastic range of opinions expressed are truly awesome. My life is richer for having discovered this place. So again, thank you all.
And though a lot of MeFites cringe whenever I say it, this isNPR truly the best of the web.
And though a lot of MeFites cringe whenever I say it, this is
How to say "thanks Ask MetaFilter"?
How to say "thanks Ask MetaFilter"
I recently asked a question and and amazed with the help I recieved. Should I just smile, post in the thread (but who would see it?) or email individual posters? Or just shut up?
I recently asked a question and and amazed with the help I recieved. Should I just smile, post in the thread (but who would see it?) or email individual posters? Or just shut up?
Thank you for Christmas songs
Just a follow-up to the now-defunct Christmas song thread...just wanted to thank my fellow MeFi-ers for providing an invaluable service. My husband was assigned the task at work to compile a Christmas song CD to give away at the office party, preferably some "unusual, or out of the ordinary" stuff. When he came home and whined about this assignment, I assured him, no worries! Ran to MeFi, found the Xmas song thread, and was able to provide him with more suggestions than he could fit in a wav format on a CD.
So thanks, all, for your great Christmas song recommendations! And happy holidays to all!
So thanks, all, for your great Christmas song recommendations! And happy holidays to all!