6 posts tagged with thread and mefi.
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Deletions record

I saw that five MeFi threads had been deleted in the past day for various reasons. I'm not here to question any of them; my curiosity is rather more vanilla: Does anyone know the record for most thread deletions in a 24-hour period?
posted by bryon on Oct 11, 2015 - 46 comments

Sometimes We Do Good

It shall be brought to MetaTalk's attention that This Thread Is Best Thread.
posted by The Whelk on Nov 13, 2012 - 147 comments

Zen-like post from a few years ago?

There was a thread here, a couple of years ago, I think, about the Zen-like (I don't remember if he was actually aligned with that tradition) aphorisms of a wise man. Many of his insights were oddly striking, but some of them seemed kind of obvious, too. An example was something like this: "People look more attractive at night."

I have searched, but not been able to find that thread. Any idea where it is?
posted by jayder on Apr 29, 2006 - 5 comments

Clooney misattribution.

this post about an article by George Clooney was not actually written by George Clooney.
posted by delmoi on Mar 15, 2006 - 10 comments

Where did the hybrid thread go?

Where da hybrid thread at? It was actually kind of interesting.
posted by clevershark on Mar 15, 2006 - 3 comments

I admit it, I monopolized the thread

Er, Guilty... It's easy to monopolize a thread when the subject is dear to one's heart. But it's difficult to gauge when one should resign and say "I'll shut up now". Cheerleading is annoying and thread-destroying. Although it's impossible to regulate posters' percentages and stuff, I'd like to hear other members' opinions on what constitutes the acceptable limit for commenting on one's own thread - considering that the moment you post it, it no more belongs to you than it does to anybody else.
posted by MiguelCardoso on Dec 9, 2002 - 75 comments

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