10 posts tagged with titles and askme.
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If only you'd read the title
the question would have made sense. [more inside]
Perhaps the AskMetafilter question form should point out that the title of the post does not appear on the front page? [more inside]
Pony: Title guidelines on the 'Post a New Question' page
Why not explain on the AskMe "Post a New Question" page that the Headline/Title will *not* show up on the main page? I have seen lots of questions in the past where the Headline/Title contains the question and the question text lacks context and looks odd on its own. Example. I think a few clarifying words about how visitors will not see the Headline/Title when browsing AskMe's main pages will help people word their questions more appropriately.
Askme etiquette on using first line of question as title
I've noticed that when posting questions to AskMeFi people will often just copy verbatim the first sentence of their question text into the title field.
Title Tags for AskMe
Is there any way to add a title tag to AskMe posts? A title would make it much easier and faster to bookmark well-answered posts.
Titles in AskMe
Maybe this was covered and I missed it, but why do individual AskMe threads not have unique titles? When I bookmark a Metafilter thread, it has a unique title but when I bookmark an AskMe thread, I have to change the title.
Can we have titles in the AskMe feed?
When I subscribe to the Ask Metafilter rss feed (using Firefox's Live Bookmark feature) only the title tags show, making the list come up as Question #123523, Question #675745, etc. Could the description tag be copied to the title tag in the RSS feed? Maybe the first 25 characters and then a "..." if necessary? Is there another way of seeing questions using this? Thanks.
AskMe Titles
AskMe Titles
I really really hate to ask... but can we get Post/Question Titles for Ask MetaFilter?
Threads Have Titles Now?
Hey - if this isn't a new feature, or if I missed a memo, please tell me, but does each thread have it's own title now? I only ask because when I just thought better of posting to the "pancakes" thread and saw "Prattling On About Pancakes" up in the title bar, it startled me a wee bit, and now I see that each thread is similarly titled. New thing?