The World is Not Going To End Soon. February 20, 2025 3:52 PM   Subscribe

Inspired by the answers to Is the World Ending, it seemed like a good idea to share these answers with as many people as possible! It's a lot harder to have a Calmer Vibes Chill Thread today. That seems so quaint. Yikes. This is a place to post all of the reasons you know about that mean The World is Not Going To End Soon. ❤️ (examples within)

I think the room for optimism is that life will still go on and at an individual level it will still be filled with the small joys and pains that we have now. Knowing that things are shit can also make it easier for people to actually mobilize and do something about it. Here in Canada we're seeing an upsurge in patriotism since Trump made his tariff threat. Before that much of the talk was some pretty racist discourse around Indian immigrants but those complaints have seemingly been forgotten now that we have an actual problem to deal with.
any portmanteau in a storm

I've done some traveling both inside the USA and out - and the thing I love most about it is that it reminds me that no matter where I go, for the most part, people want to be good and want to help me. I'm a stranger and in some cases I don't speak their language, but I have many stories of people trying to help me when I'm lost, when I'm confused about something, or having some other misfortune. Strangers have pitched in to get me reorient myself in an unfamiliar city, explain a menu item when neither of us spoke the same language, or help me recover from a theft with advice, a price break when replacing some of my things, a shot of whiskey and a chance to vent. It reminds me that no matter what the governments are doing, people themselves want to do good.

...I guarantee you that the more a government oversteps, the more likely it is that people will know someone personally affected and will stand up and say "wait a minute, stop."


Among other things the "world" part of World War 2 was mostly driven by European countries having colonies all over the place and the war spreading to them. Otherwise it would have been a European war happening at the same time as a Pacific war. Very few colonies these days.

One good thing is that 90% of the world's nuclear weapons are under the control of the U.S. (if they can find the briefcase) and Russia. Both countries have a lot of local invading to do so at the moment there's no reason for them to clash.
Tell Me No Lies

I would love to hear some people say some hopeful things about the geopolitical situation, because I was never the best-educated in geography or world affairs. But even in the absence of hopeful specifics—even in the absence of a government that cares about me, values my identity, or will listen to me—I can have a joyful, fulfilling life, and do my best to stay in mental and physical spaces that are safe and good for me. I can find community and connect with people who care about the things I care about and practice things I practice. I'll do that until I can't—hopefully that point never comes, but if it does, then I'll figure it out. So will you. So say we all.

I have cherry picked a few of my favorite parts but please do read the rest of those comments, especially if you are tipping over into 51% doom spiral.

OH and one more thing. Everyone Should Know About this
I promise you will not regret it. (AND, at least one of our own watched it happen in real time.)
posted by Glinn to MetaFilter-Related at 3:52 PM (14 comments total) 17 users marked this as a favorite

i decided to plant a wildflower garden. i have no idea how that works, i am by no means a gardener (or even, like, an outdoor person), but i have planted the seeds and i am watering them every day. everything might go to hell but my dumb little 6 x 6 patch of the ugliest dirt on earth will have flowers for the bees.
posted by mittens at 4:10 PM on February 20 [12 favorites]

I, too, am watching plants grow. Mine are in a smart garden, because I'd forget to water them otherwise. The added bonus is that they're on my desk in my home office and so I get to look at them all the time. It's really cool to have such a front-row seat at Life Going On, literally.
posted by demi-octopus at 2:21 AM on February 21 [4 favorites]

Entropy means we can never win in the long run. It's always easier to break a coffee mug than to make one. But that just means we need to take the time to appreciate the absolute miracle that we have coffee, and mugs, and people, and life on this little backwater planet.

We are part of a blossoming that can only be momentary in the context of the universe, a beautiful bubble expanding until it inevitably pops. The fact that we've learned so much about the universe: the big bang, galaxies, particle physics, background radiation, etc, and can see ourselves in that context is so bittersweet, and matches our civilizations with our personal stories. Every one of us is going to die, and coming to terms with that is the work of a lifetime.

Perhaps all this is a midlife crisis for our species. Will that new motorcycle we bought kill us? Or will we make it past this phase with some hard earned wisdom for our twilight years?
posted by rikschell at 8:41 AM on February 21 [13 favorites]

mittens we planted a few milkweed plants last year and had SO MANY monarchs in our small urban yard!!! even a tiny garden will bring them, and help them. (if you have room for a small birdbath or fountain bees need water too, just fill it with rocks for them to stand on. bees can't swim.)
posted by supermedusa at 11:06 AM on February 21 [4 favorites]

The hellebores are budding
My black hollyhocks that I planted last year have survived the cold
My little cat hid in the laundry basket and squeaked at me when I couldn't find him "come here mother"
My work of connecting people deeply to themselves continues no matter what else is going on around me
The universe is SO BIG and so full
"I am just a speck of dust inside a giant's eye" - kimya dawson
So many people are fighting and resisting and refusing to collapse
Queer and trans people and Autistic people have always been in this world and we will always be here
All the kids growing up right now that I personally have contact with (which is a lot bc I work with kids) are absolutely incredible children who see the world so beautifully and clearly
Little dogs go trotting around on their walkies every day with little coats on
People exist under fascist and oppressive conditions all over the world and still find joy and connection
Every time I acknowledge and name the existence of my own grief I feel more empowered to exist and resist
posted by fairlynearlyready at 12:11 PM on February 21 [13 favorites]

My town does a yearly program where residents can submit applications for small grants to do something environmentally positive in their neighborhood. My wife and another neighbor stuck forms in every mailbox in our neighborhood asking for homeowner permission to have a native tree planted on the street-facing side of their property should they get the grant money. They're getting a lot of signed forms back! Getting the grant money isn't a given, but it's making her really happy in the meantime. (Doug Tallamy is a hero of hers and she's making it her mission to "Tallamy-up" our neighboorhood)

My thoughts very much echoed rikschell's this morning as I was walking the dogs. In a world where it is easier to destroy than to create, and to take than to produce, the best I can do is appreciate what I have and do my best to produce more and create more and help those within my reach.
posted by jermsplan at 12:56 PM on February 21 [3 favorites]

mittens, one of the most wonderful things about gardening is that, if you plant natives and aren't too picky about what winds up coming up, you don't have to know anything about gardening to get a beautiful native garden. Ask me how I know!

(I started planting grocery-store plants when, for some reason, they got really cheap during the pandemic, and I had a spotty and weird-looking garden, but it gave me an idea of what I liked. Then I started shopping at seed sources like Native American Seed, and have a garden that must frustrate anyone with an orderly mind but that makes me happy all the while it's in its verdant, disorderly bloom.)
posted by It is regrettable that at 1:39 PM on February 21 [7 favorites]

I think the key is to get away from the news and focus on the small personal world. For me that's owning a dog, walking to work, disentangling from nearly all social media, having no data on my phone, focusing on personal projects that bring joy and distraction. I don't know what corner of Canada you're in rodneyaug but I find it reassuring that though we have the rise the right here (Poilievre's total majority looks less likely everyday) and various externals threats, those real and immediate and those vague and nebulous, we still live in a relatively safe place here in Canada. And as a long time reader of ancient history, I find it is always reassuring that your very real concerns are something that humans of every time period have always felt about the times they live in. For much of the 80s, when I was a teen, I felt like the world was ready to pop at any moment. My parents felt the same in the 60s. But here we are... Humans endure for better or worse. And I find that hopeful personally.
posted by Glinn at 2:37 PM on February 22 [1 favorite]

For those inspired by this thread but have zero outdoor space:

I have been tending a tiny little kumquat since March 2024 and this week I was able to harvest and enjoy the first ripe fruit. The deep green leaves and bright orange fruits have been simply delightful to watch grow over the last year. And there is something really healing about having a plant that bears its fruit right as the world seems bleakest.

10/10 recommend growing indoor container citrus plants.
posted by seemoorglass at 5:02 AM on February 23 [5 favorites]

I went to a show at a local arts space tonight that opened with an anti-fascist klezmer band, featured beautiful Appalachian ballads and shadow puppets, and closed with the whole room singing the old hymn "Trouble Can't Last Always" with the very gifted Elizabeth LaPrelle.

It is going to be very hard, but we are going to win.
posted by reedbird_hill at 4:20 PM on February 23 [2 favorites]

[My plants] are in a smart garden, because I'd forget to water them otherwise. The added bonus is that they're on my desk in my home office and so I get to look at them all the time.

I seem to have wandered into the wrong thread.
posted by flabdablet at 5:36 AM on February 25

a tiny little kumquat

I didn't really know much about citrus when we planted a kumquat tree near the front porch, for instance that the tree was grafted--and that the rootstock plant could take over, and now we have a ten-foot tall bush with monster thorns that grows terrible little fruits that we nonetheless taste every year on a kind of dare. (They're awful! And yet!) Odd that all our other trees got taken down as a result of the hurricane, but the Murder-Bush remains.
posted by mittens at 5:41 AM on February 25 [1 favorite]

To be fair, strong roots are the entire point of the murderbush.
posted by flabdablet at 9:15 AM on February 25

I'm so happy that I successfully helped spread Doug's news, and that my first post in twelve years (and twenty-five years of lurking here) was so pure and good that it was noted on this page. I'm wishing all of you here a day one-tenth as positive as Doug's night was—and considering how great his night was, that's a really good day.
posted by ivanthenotsoterrible at 6:16 AM on February 28 [3 favorites]

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