5 posts tagged with viral and marketing.
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Yeah, we fell for it. Here's to less viral videos in the future!
posted by Citizen Premier on Jul 9, 2008 - 5 comments


Perhaps this does not belong on the front page. [more inside]
posted by Blazecock Pileon on Jun 3, 2008 - 47 comments

Viral Marketing on Metafilter

Viral marketing video as front page post, up long enough that it doesn't seem like it's going to be deleted. Slippery slope, blah blah. What say you?
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on May 10, 2007 - 112 comments

double post

double post.
posted by brevator on Jan 28, 2005 - 16 comments

What should we do about self-marketers who could enventually plant links on mefi?

yesterday, on./ was reading an interesting discussion about a product when someone accused the poster of Viral Marketing, in effect really trying to grab publicity off of ./ while they're covertly under contract to the company they are posting about.
Today, in a very useful MeFi discussion, someone raised the Same Suspicion.

Whether Octavius is correct or not, I think there's no reason to doubt that firms are cropping up to harness communities and blogs to plant publicity on the net. On its face, it would likely be far more effective advertising than a pop up or TV commercial... Once the corporate heavyweights catch on, it could get quite excessive and sneaky.

But it could seriously undermine a community since to some extent, we'll all start scrutinizing the motives of any given post and poster.

Could well be the beginning of the end (or at least the end of the beginning) of the innocence for MeFi etal... Any ideas on how to contend with this?

posted by BentPenguin on Sep 6, 2002 - 39 comments

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