Francophone weblogger get-together October 22, 2001 6:10 PM   Subscribe

There will be a Francophone weblogger get-together to discuss ways of promoting French-language weblogs in Paris November 22. On va avoir un dîner pour débattre des opportunités de promotion des weblogs francophones, le 22 novembre. FAQ. [Also, there's a discussion, in French, of the proper terminology for weblogs and webloggers. On the table is "webillard" for weblog and "joueb" for blog, a distinction not really made in English.]

posted by Mo Nickels to General Weblog-Related at 6:10 PM (7 comments total)

Si vous m'achéteraient un billet d'avion de Paramus, j'assisterai á cette réunion importante â Paris. Deal?
posted by ParisParamus at 7:46 PM on October 22, 2001

moi aussi, svp!
posted by heather at 12:47 AM on October 23, 2001

Can you blog on Minitel these days: 3615 Blog?
posted by ParisParamus at 4:33 AM on October 23, 2001

ah ben, pour une fois que ça se passe du bon côté de l'Atlantique!!
posted by Tara at 8:51 AM on October 23, 2001

Tangent: have a blogger summit in Brooklyn at the Blah Blah Lounge (Park Slope)!
posted by ParisParamus at 10:29 AM on October 23, 2001

J'espère que j'étais encore à Paris pour y assister...

Christophe Ducampe a fait attention à cette affiche et il a dit, "Pour le billet j'ai du mal à trouver des sponsors."
posted by Mo Nickels at 10:31 AM on October 23, 2001

Was that an automatic translation?
; )
posted by Tara at 6:27 PM on October 27, 2001

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