Mr. Justice will be gracing the Big Apple November 20, 2006 7:46 AM   Subscribe

Mr. Justice will be gracing the Big Apple with an appearence next month, as per a recent AskMe thread. Though the MeFiComp shindig's already planned for Dec. 3rd, What say the NYC crowd offer user #28085 a nice end-of-2006 greeting?
posted by Smart Dalek to MetaFilter Gatherings at 7:46 AM (1 comment total)

Does Mr. Justice want to meet up with us? Generally people post these sorts of threads on their own behalf. Perhaps they're having a romantic getaway and don't have the time to spare for us.

Sadly, even if he wants to, I have no time- I'm out of town until the 27th, and then I have family flying into town on the 28th.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 9:03 AM on November 20, 2006 [1 favorite]

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