Help me get my t-shirt signed. May 4, 2008 9:20 PM   Subscribe

So, ummm, last July I went to Portland for this "Metafilter anniversary gathering" thing, and I got Jessamyn to autograph one of those nifty teal Metafilter shirts. However, my life will not be complete until I somehow coerce the other admins to sign it as well. I'm just waiting for the proper venue. So, how about it? Are going to have another anniversary gathering this year or what?
posted by Afroblanco to MetaFilter Gatherings at 9:20 PM (64 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Poster's Request -- goodnewsfortheinsane

TTIUWOP. I signed what?
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 9:21 PM on May 4, 2008 [1 favorite]

You could mail it to me or cortex and get the other signatures since we're all kind of local to one another.
posted by mathowie (staff) at 9:23 PM on May 4, 2008

(my po box is on the whois record)
posted by mathowie (staff) at 9:23 PM on May 4, 2008

TTIUWOP = This Thread is Useless WithOut Pictures (for all the other people who no imagination, like me)
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 9:30 PM on May 4, 2008 [1 favorite]

I do so have an imagination.

It's just that I imagined it being pronounced "titty you wop," and I'm not quite sure what that means.
posted by nebulawindphone at 9:40 PM on May 4, 2008 [2 favorites]

TTIUWOP = This Thread is Useless WithOut Pictures (for all the other people who no imagination, like me)


I'd like to take this moment to thank Afroblanco and his friends for the post-event... festivities and dazed cab-ride.
posted by !Jim at 9:40 PM on May 4, 2008

I'd like to take this moment to thank Afroblanco and his friends for the post-event... festivities and dazed cab-ride.

I always wondered if there were festivities after these big meet ups.
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim at 9:51 PM on May 4, 2008


Yeah, I guess you could call them festivities.

If you were so inclined.

You're not so inclined, are you, Mister "TheOnlyCoolTim"?

It would be such a shame to render the world CoolTim-free.
posted by dersins at 10:01 PM on May 4, 2008

I'm not sure what kind of festivities you're thinking of now.

If you were thinking of festivities then I'm certainly inclined although I would certainly never participate in any festivities.
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim at 10:25 PM on May 4, 2008

I'm so reclined right now. I love wireless.
posted by cosmonik at 10:33 PM on May 4, 2008

Thread, no longer useless.

It has LEDs!!
posted by null terminated at 10:41 PM on May 4, 2008

Road Trip!
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur at 10:55 PM on May 4, 2008

This is not AskMe, but shouldn't someone answer Afroblanco 's question? Shall there be an anniversary meetup this year? Shall festivities be delayed until the 10th anniversary when there will probably be hats and horns, arcade machines, dancing bears and free drinks? Oh wait, that was last year.
posted by Cranberry at 11:52 PM on May 4, 2008

So that's what teal is.
posted by chrismear at 2:53 AM on May 5, 2008

I have a copy of Cerebus 165 signed by Sim, Gerhard and Neil Gaiman. How do I get Dave McKean's signature also? Hope me metafilter.
posted by Sparx at 3:41 AM on May 5, 2008

TTIUWOP. I signed what?

It was a legal contract, don't try to back out now. Don't like it? Then maybe you should learn how to hold your doughnuts.
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 3:49 AM on May 5, 2008

learn how to hold your doughnuts

I'll hold your doughnuts. Wait. What?
posted by ColdChef at 5:44 AM on May 5, 2008 [1 favorite]

I had three doughnuts so had to have one of them surgically removed.
It was outpatient, but with sprinkles.
posted by Dizzy at 6:11 AM on May 5, 2008

"Outpatient With Sprinkles" would be a good band name.
posted by cortex (staff) at 6:37 AM on May 5, 2008 [1 favorite]

We don't know the answer to Afroblanco's question. This summer we've got a lot of mod-amok activity, mathowie's doing some freaky-long bike ride, cortex is going on a cruse, I'm probably doing some travelling and we haven't sat down yet and talked about what an anniversary party would look like or if we could put one together. I'd sort of like to see a distibuted worldwide party where we can somehow chip in money for bar/food tabs at places around the world on anniversary #9 but it might take more logistical planning than any of us could muster.
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 7:17 AM on May 5, 2008

I'll hold your doughnuts. Wait. What?

They have donuts made with cough syrup in Portland. I'm pretty sure that's what this thread is all about, actually. Getting horked on dextromethorphan. Sure, he pitched it as a desire to complete his Mod-signed t-shirt, but I know the Great White 'Fro cares nothing for signatures. I mean, all the "festivities" innuendo.

We must prevent this sickness. We must stop it from spreading. We must ban anniversary meet-ups.
posted by jeffamaphone at 7:42 AM on May 5, 2008

jessamyn: " I'd sort of like to see a distibuted worldwide party where we can somehow chip in money for bar/food tabs at places around the world on anniversary #9 but it might take more logistical planning than any of us could muster."

Well if it would make things any easier, I'm picturing having it in a city with the following criteria:

Centrally located.
Has access to public transportation.
Is totally awesome.
Cats! (no idea how this fits in but work with me here).
A strong sense of history!
Girls and guys? Oh yes.
Oh a bunch of other stuff that I can't name right now.

Hopefully we can agree on such a city but don't let my opinion sway you either way.
posted by KevinSkomsvold at 7:54 AM on May 5, 2008 [3 favorites]

Oh and thanks Jessamyn for signing my Mefi baseball jersey. Like Afroblanco, I'd like to get the trifecta as well.
posted by KevinSkomsvold at 8:02 AM on May 5, 2008

I'd sort of like to see a distibuted worldwide party where we can somehow chip in money for bar/food tabs at places around the world on anniversary #9 but it might take more logistical planning than any of us could muster.

That's fairly easy to do. The simplest way would be to use hotel bars.. talk to the global sales office at a chain, they can set it up and bill X from each hotel to a given credit card. You'd need to sign CC auth forms for each hotel, but the sales office can assist with that.
posted by dirtynumbangelboy at 8:58 AM on May 5, 2008

Or just PayPal/whatever some cash to a local (trusted) Designated Organiser for each location, who can then spend it on rounds / set up a tab / whatever at the chosen local establishment.

The thought of celebrating MetaFilter at a hotel bar makes me sad.
posted by chrismear at 9:16 AM on May 5, 2008

The thought of celebrating MetaFilter at a hotel bar makes me sad.

I was against it until you pointed out how sad and depressing it is. Now I'm all for it. Last year in Portland was way to happy-fun-frolicy. I vote for hard drinkin' in the sad surroundings of the hotel bar.
posted by jeffamaphone at 10:36 AM on May 5, 2008

I want to table a motion that it's held at an Holiday Inn, with a bar, that is located right next door to an IHOP or other pancake house.
posted by not_on_display at 11:05 AM on May 5, 2008

This summer we've got a lot of mod-amok activity... we haven't sat down yet and talked about what an anniversary party would look like or if we could put one together... it might take more logistical planning than any of us could muster.

Maybe it's not too early to start talking about Mefi X in 2009 then.
posted by timeistight at 11:06 AM on May 5, 2008

not_on_d is on to something:

1) Rent out an IHOP for the evening.
2) Dress all the servers as fluffy bunnies; smuggle in kegs and hard likker.
3) Mosh pit by the Men's Room for FlaggedAsFuckedGrudgeMatchSmackDown.
4) Effigies of Quonsar in parking lot serve as secret code for the initiated.
5) Users over number 60,000 forced to wash down vomit offa tables at party's end.
6) Leave county as fast as possible.
posted by Dizzy at 11:27 AM on May 5, 2008

7) Festivities

(Will there be reimbursements for those too? I don't think a receipt will be available.)
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim at 11:33 AM on May 5, 2008

8) Cake and pie
posted by junesix at 12:30 PM on May 5, 2008

I caught a glimpse of the lovely Jessamyn at the Cambridge meet-up, and I felt my life was complete.

But I didn't think to ask her to sign anything, so now my life is incomplete again. Dammit. Thanks, Afroblanco.
posted by Crabby Appleton at 12:34 PM on May 5, 2008

Did you seriously not say hi?
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 1:02 PM on May 5, 2008

9) Rehab.
posted by Dizzy at 1:54 PM on May 5, 2008

I'm not sure what kind of festivities you're thinking of now.

Surreptitiously hoovering thick joints out in the alley behind the venue.
posted by Meatbomb at 2:00 PM on May 5, 2008 [1 favorite]

See, that's not what I thought when you guys were writing "festivities."

I thought it meant openly smoking a blunt on cortex's couch.
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim at 2:14 PM on May 5, 2008 [1 favorite]

Nah, my building is non-smoking.
posted by cortex (staff) at 2:16 PM on May 5, 2008

Well, any other ideas?
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim at 2:19 PM on May 5, 2008

I've got some good scotch, and vodka in the freezer.
posted by cortex (staff) at 2:21 PM on May 5, 2008

We hardly have to call drinking vodka "Festivities." It has to be something much shadier to deserve a code word.
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim at 2:23 PM on May 5, 2008

^Dizzy: not_on_d is on to something:
...5) Users over number 60,000 forced to wash down vomit offa tables at party's end.

(checking user #...)
posted by not_on_display at 2:25 PM on May 5, 2008

Effigies of Quonsar in parking lot

i have a lower-case q. in my pants.
posted by quonsar at 2:38 PM on May 5, 2008 [1 favorite]

The "v" in this vokda stands for "veal".

i have a lower-case q. in my pants.

Maybe that was an indirect homage to davy, man.
posted by cortex (staff) at 2:44 PM on May 5, 2008

The "v" in this vokda stands for "veal".

As well as moral considerations some have over veal this must certainly be illegal. With these considerations this is an undeniable form of "festivities."
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim at 2:46 PM on May 5, 2008

10) rehab

11) rehab
posted by Sparx at 2:50 PM on May 5, 2008

Wait, actual question:

Nah, my building is non-smoking.

You don't live in a hotel or a dorm, right? Weird. Is this what the freedom hating nanny state governments on the west coast are allowing these days? I prefer the freedom hating nanny state government in NYC that tends to restrict landlords rather than allow the restriction of tenants.
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim at 2:55 PM on May 5, 2008

Have you got a porch or balcony, cortex? Because if you don't there is no way I am moving in with you.
posted by Meatbomb at 3:01 PM on May 5, 2008

Is this what the freedom hating nanny state governments on the west coast are allowing these days?

No-smoking apartment buildings aren't exactly hard to come by, at least not around here. As a non-smoker married to a non-smoker, I don't really have a problem with that, so, eh.

Have you got a porch or balcony, cortex?

There's a fire escape that people aren't supposed to go out and smoke on. That I know they aren't supposed to do that only because the landlord has to distribute letters asking people not to do that suggests that it works well enough in a pinch.

Because if you don't there is no way I am moving in with you.

oh my god did you just dump me
posted by cortex (staff) at 3:07 PM on May 5, 2008

As a non-smoker

posted by dersins at 3:09 PM on May 5, 2008

Meetups don't count. Doubly so for insurance purposes.
posted by cortex (staff) at 3:10 PM on May 5, 2008

No-smoking apartment buildings aren't exactly hard to come by, at least not around here. As a non-smoker married to a non-smoker, I don't really have a problem with that, so, eh.

I'm a non-smoker and I wouldn't allow cigarette smoking in my apartment, but I'd probably bum one just on principle if someone told me I wasn't supposed to smoke in my own apartment.

Currently I'm forbidden from having candles or kegs along with a couple other goofy things I forget, but I live in a stupid state where laws prioritize protecting the children from beer, DXM, and super glue rather than having any to regulate landlord-tenant relations, and I do have some damn candles.
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim at 3:14 PM on May 5, 2008

So, the anniversary meetup is Bastille Day, 2008 at cortex's building for those who have their own insurance? Non-smokers inside, smokers on the fire escape. *marks calendar*
posted by Cranberry at 3:16 PM on May 5, 2008

aw, *burns candle for TOCTim*
posted by Cranberry at 3:17 PM on May 5, 2008

12) bailing CoolTim, et al, outta the pokey.
posted by Dizzy at 3:27 PM on May 5, 2008

13) There Will Be Puking.
posted by Dizzy at 3:29 PM on May 5, 2008

I'm a non-smoker and I wouldn't allow cigarette smoking in my apartment, but I'd probably bum one just on principle if someone told me I wasn't supposed to smoke in my own apartment.

I have a largely non-passive-aggressive relationship with my totally-not-shitty apartment manager. Maybe that is a weird thing, I don't know.

One time, a year or two back, some folks down the hall had a party and one of their guests (at least, this is our theory, since the actual perp was never identified) got really drunk and ran out into the hall and pulled the fire extinguisher off the wall and threw it from the fourth floor hall window out into the cement courtyard. (It's a U-shaped building).

I guess that was sort of festivities, but it was also a weird dickhead move, and that the folks responsible for the freakydink who pulled that stunt didn't fess up was also a dickhead move. I think when it comes down to it, I'd rather be the guy telling the dickhead to get off his lawn than the dickhead himself.
posted by cortex (staff) at 3:33 PM on May 5, 2008

not-shitty apartment manager is the weird one to me. To take security deposits as an example:

Old landlord/management company hasn't bothered sending me or communicating truthfully with me about the security deposit (what really gets me is the gall - if they'd at least faked up some damage charges there's not much I could do, but they haven't even bothered to send me anything like that, so I'm about ready to send them my final threat before small claims.)

Current landlord/management company I asked about and found that they are definitely going to fake up some damage charges like $75 to replace a light bulb whether or not it's burnt out.
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim at 3:41 PM on May 5, 2008

Like Afroblanco, I'd like to get the trifecta as well.

Yeah, if I could somehow meet Mathowie at some point and have him flip me off, that'd be great.
posted by CitrusFreak12 at 4:38 PM on May 5, 2008 [1 favorite]

13) There Will Be Puking.

I've abandoned mah breakfast!
posted by Rock Steady at 5:24 PM on May 5, 2008

Jessamyn, you flashed me a peace sign (or was it V for Victory?) and I reciprocated. The place was packed and I decided not to push through the crowd to your corner. It's not that I wouldn't have been honored to meet you, and all, but you seemed to be pretty well occupied and I don't like to bother celebrities, in any case. My previous comment was made with tongue firmly in cheek, so you don't have to worry that I'll be stalking you for autographs. It was very gracious of you and mathowie and pb to be there.
posted by Crabby Appleton at 5:33 PM on May 5, 2008

According to the PROTOCOLS I've been sending Secret Signals and 3 ounces of dryer lint to Jess for close to 3 years now and haven't gotten a peace sign or NOTHING this is NOT rite I think those puny restraining orders were just a joke rite RITE Somehow i think she lives in Canada or Claremont but she is UNLISTED on ANY MAPS i cannot make CONTACT with her BEACON please sign my pizza and PRETEND you don't hey wait a
posted by Dizzy at 7:59 PM on May 5, 2008

Dear Dizzy,

Please read this story about the moon and get back to me through the usual way. Lint castle proceding nicely.

posted by jessamyn (staff) at 8:19 PM on May 5, 2008

My parents used to take me to Lint Castle in NH when I was a kid. I loved the benadryl-flavored popsicles, and the front-load washers were always my favorite interactive station.
posted by not_on_display at 8:39 PM on May 5, 2008 [1 favorite]

I am never going to 409 my monitor again.
posted by Dizzy at 8:41 PM on May 5, 2008

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