Central Texas meetup September 2008? September 1, 2008 11:27 AM   Subscribe

Would anyone in Austin / Waco be interested in a meetup during September? I don't know a good venue to suggest because I'm new to Central Texas, and new to MetaFilter for that matter, so I've got a lot to learn. I'd enjoy discovering cool places to hang out and meeting new people. Thanks in advance.
posted by woodway to MetaFilter Gatherings at 11:27 AM (50 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

I'm in College Station, which is fairly nearby by Texas standards, so if my schedule is open, I'd love a meetup. I can't help with venue suggestions unless you want to come to CS, though.
posted by internet!Hannah at 11:47 AM on September 1, 2008

I'm in Austin, and I would be down for a meetup.

There's a ton of cool places in Austin...not sure what you're looking for, but I'd say a good standby is the Dog and Duck.

I'm open for anywhere though, generally if it's not a chain, it's cool with me.
posted by pokeedog at 5:56 PM on September 1, 2008

I'm going to be in Kerrville two nights (Sep. 17/18). [I live in Colorado.] I'd love an excuse to come up to Austin!
posted by lukemeister at 6:18 PM on September 1, 2008

I'll go.

Kerrville to Austin is kind of a long ride, man.
posted by popechunk at 6:42 PM on September 1, 2008

Sure, depending on schedule.
posted by Pants! at 7:53 PM on September 1, 2008

Well. I'm driving from Houston to Kerrville, so Kerrville to Austin will be a breeze!
posted by lukemeister at 8:18 PM on September 1, 2008

I'd probably go
posted by RustyBrooks at 8:44 AM on September 2, 2008

I'm game.
posted by adamrice at 8:51 AM on September 2, 2008

I'd probably be down if it was in Austin proper.
posted by kaseijin at 2:05 PM on September 2, 2008

And yeah... Dog & Duck would be good... Opal Divine's would be good...Draught House would be good...
posted by kaseijin at 2:07 PM on September 2, 2008

Sounds like the Dog & Duck is a winner. Would this sort of thing better mid-week or on a non-school night? I could do Thu Sep 18, lukemeister, or any weekend.
posted by woodway at 2:34 PM on September 2, 2008


Thursday, September 18 would be best for me, but maybe we should take a vote.
posted by lukemeister at 12:12 PM on September 3, 2008

Sept 18 @ Dog and Duck works for me. What time? 7:00 PM?
posted by adamrice at 4:35 PM on September 3, 2008

7 pm sounds good to me!
posted by lukemeister at 9:36 PM on September 3, 2008

Great - see you Sep 18, Dog & Duck, 7 pm.
posted by woodway at 4:53 AM on September 5, 2008

Hrm, I'm doubtful I can make it, but I'll keep it on the ol' calendar.
posted by popechunk at 8:05 PM on September 5, 2008

Putting money aside *right now* in order to attend.

posted by batmonkey at 12:10 PM on September 6, 2008

I now have a room in downtown Austin in walking distance of the Dog & Duck, so I'll be there. I hope a lot of you can make it. I grew up in San Antonio, but I don't get back to Texas much.
posted by lukemeister at 12:33 PM on September 6, 2008

I'll go. I love going to the Bark & Quack.
posted by bluishorange at 1:21 PM on September 7, 2008

Mmmmm Bark and Quack. Yes. Ha. That's what I call it too.

We are wrangling new house + wedding, but we'll try to make it. Yummy beer and fish & chips.
posted by fiercecupcake at 7:43 AM on September 10, 2008

damn you people! i'm out of town...any meetups planned during ACL? eh?
posted by camdan at 2:48 PM on September 10, 2008

Well, unfortunately I'm not going to make it, because my meeting near NASA JSC is cancelled due to Hurricane Ike. I was really looking forward to the meetup. Another time, I hope.
posted by lukemeister at 2:28 PM on September 11, 2008

I'll try to be there!
posted by malthas at 3:05 PM on September 11, 2008

I showed up. I found a group of people who looked like Mefites, and I walked up and said, "Hey, are you guys from Metafilter?"

"No," one of them said. "We're atheists."

"They're not mutually exclusive." I said. Well, I didn't say that. But anyway, I went and I looked around, but I didn't see anyone. Was anyone else there? Next time one of us should put up a sign.
posted by bluishorange at 7:34 PM on September 11, 2008 [2 favorites]

Oh good lord, the 18th. Look for me next week; I'll be the one who looks like she doesn't know what day it is.
posted by bluishorange at 7:47 PM on September 11, 2008

I'll be late...around 8.
posted by pokeedog at 7:49 PM on September 11, 2008

the old atheist/mefite switcharoo...nice try, god. nice try.
posted by camdan at 11:43 AM on September 12, 2008

I'll be with the cool kids at Dorkbot.
posted by chipr at 10:21 PM on September 13, 2008

Ooops, cut-n-paste fail on that link. Try here: http://www.dorkbotaustin.org/
posted by chipr at 10:22 PM on September 13, 2008


I had hesitated to say "I'm-a coming!" because it didn't look like it was going to work out. But now it does, so please, everybody come! I don't want to be stuck alone with whatever group is at the Dog and Duck when the atheists are at home.
posted by dirtdirt at 7:10 AM on September 17, 2008

Will there be a flashing neon metafilter sign, so I find the right group? Or is that my job @ head of the thread? I'm new, so I don't yet know about meet-up protocol. Actually, I wouldn't mind hobnobbing with atheists, dogs, ducks, whatever I find. I'm open-minded.
posted by woodway at 7:26 AM on September 17, 2008

I hate all that wandering-around, are-you-Metafilter crap, so I'm going to get there at 7, pick out a table, and put up a sign. I'll be the one reading a book until the first person arrives, and the one reading a book until the second person arrives if the first person is boring. And so forth.
posted by bluishorange at 11:13 AM on September 17, 2008

Gah, I am not gonna make this.
posted by RustyBrooks at 1:01 PM on September 18, 2008

A box of material I've been waiting for arrived today, so I'm staying in Waco to work. How much does *that* suck? I get triple loser points since I suggested the meetup in the first place. Hopefully you can give me grief in person next month, or whenever (if there's a sequel). Enjoy tonight.
posted by woodway at 1:55 PM on September 18, 2008

Nice to have met everyone! It was an enjoyable time, and Dog & Duck was a good selection of venue.
posted by SaintCynr at 7:53 PM on September 18, 2008

There were 8 total mefites (+ 1 sweetheart of a chihuahua) in attendance. bluishorange has pics from her exceeeeeedingly nice camera.

I should have taken notes, as many declarations were made. Dangit. I'll know for next time.

Dog & Duck rocked as a meet-up spot. Easy to get to, not to terrible in the parking department, selections to fit most budgets and tastes, and neither too boisterous nor too staid.

Thanks for the kind treatment & good convo from all who were in attendance, and we missed all who weren't able to show.
posted by batmonkey at 7:55 PM on September 18, 2008

not too terrible. agh.
posted by batmonkey at 7:56 PM on September 18, 2008

Oh crap!! I totally forgot about this, and I really wanted to go. I guess I'll have to organize a Houston meetup, all of you are cordially invited.
posted by pomegranate at 8:22 PM on September 18, 2008

Woo! This was my first meetup, and it was definitely fun. To all who couldn't come, you were missed.

posted by malthas at 9:29 PM on September 18, 2008

I will post said photos tomorrow. It was lovely to meet everyone!
posted by bluishorange at 10:37 PM on September 18, 2008

Good times were had.
posted by Faux Real at 11:34 PM on September 18, 2008

Argh, I got held up and couldn't make it there. Next time!
posted by pokeedog at 6:16 AM on September 19, 2008

I got held up, as well. Which sucks. Been trying to make one of these since forever, and this is the first one I didn't find out about until after the fact. =P

Next time!
posted by kaseijin at 7:06 AM on September 19, 2008

Sorry I missed it... Saw all the contact adding activity, and thought "crap!"
posted by Pants! at 10:20 AM on September 19, 2008

It really was a good meetup—everyone there was interesting to talk to. Dog & Duck is a great venue if the weather cooperates, which it did. Looking forward to the next one.
posted by adamrice at 11:52 AM on September 19, 2008

I put up the photos.
posted by bluishorange at 4:18 PM on September 19, 2008

Wow, I look normal in those. I usually photograph horribly!
posted by SaintCynr at 4:34 PM on September 19, 2008

that's because bluishorange takes excellent photos.
posted by Pants! at 8:11 PM on September 19, 2008

Aw, thanks. SHOW UP NEXT TIME.
posted by bluishorange at 12:17 AM on September 20, 2008

Somebody was reading Geek Love - excellent book!
posted by kaseijin at 7:21 AM on September 24, 2008

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