web design tool February 21, 2002 9:20 PM   Subscribe

I couldn't find a link to this anywhere, and I think it's a great tool, if, like me, you are crap at web design (in the limited sense of making all the pretty colours harmonize) but still like to fiddle around a bit with it. Hope you find it useful.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken to General Weblog-Related at 9:20 PM (13 comments total)

web-graphics.com wrote a review of a ton of these (including the one you link to) here. I like color schemer ...
posted by malphigian at 9:30 PM on February 21, 2002

Color Schemer's nice because it selects a palette of complementary colors for you.
posted by kirkaracha at 9:31 PM on February 21, 2002

cooool... I like it
posted by jojo at 9:33 PM on February 21, 2002

I really like Visibone's Color Lab because it overlays text from the previous colors you pick. I'm a total amateur web guy and this is one of my most helpful tools.
posted by jonah at 9:55 PM on February 21, 2002

Hey, thanks guys, those are great. But stavros, why not post this to MeFi instead of MeTa? Should we assume that only non-designers frequent the blue but not the grey? A MeFi post might snare even more useful links...
posted by rory at 3:45 AM on February 22, 2002

maybe like this?. I neglected to mention the double post before because search was timing out on me (and I'm not sure mefi/meta crossover makes it a double post).
posted by malphigian at 6:15 AM on February 22, 2002

Another vote for Color Schemer.
posted by briank at 6:16 AM on February 22, 2002

Oh, poop.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 6:24 AM on February 22, 2002

To be fair, malphigian, stavros's link is nowhere to be found on the thread you mention. It would also be a hard thread to find by searching: words like 'color' and 'web design' aren't going to be specific enough to turn up exactly the right thread.

It's a tricky situation. It'd be nice to be able to consolidate all received wisdom on a particular topic into the one thread, but it probably isn't practical in every case. We're better off relying on someone with a long memory remembering a past thread, hunting it down and dropping in a link to it - exactly as you have done. I wouldn't call it a 'double post' situation: it's obviously different from someone posting the same CNN story as was posted three hours ago.
posted by rory at 6:30 AM on February 22, 2002

Yeah, I think even with that other post from November of 2001 (3 months ago) that this would have been a good candidate for a front page metafilter post as opposed to a metatalk post..

posted by rich at 6:35 AM on February 22, 2002

I picked up this offline resource (apparently, they're called "books") to help with my poor sense of color. Lots of examples of sites that use color well. I've stolen plenty of color schemes from it. There's probably nothing here you couldn't find for free elsewhere, but it's nice to have it all in one place.
posted by jpoulos at 7:13 AM on February 22, 2002

CoolHomepages has web sites with cool color schemes.
posted by kirkaracha at 9:35 AM on February 22, 2002

CoolHomepages used to one of my favorite places, but they have become a little dated. They need to update their links.
posted by bjgeiger at 9:59 AM on February 22, 2002

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