Cleanup on aisle 31410: formatting gone awry February 25, 2004 2:11 PM Subscribe
Y2Karl's post appears to have messed up its layout. Looks like the html fixer-upper munged up some already buggy html y2karl fed it:
posted by fvw to Bugs at 2:11 PM (4 comments total)
Argh, and I fell for the taking character entities on preview but not on post thing. Still, I shouldn't be able to make the "posted by" line in the CODE style, should I? I call another bug. Anyway, what resulted from y2karl's posting was:
<a href="href="
1393045200&en=12916664a78ee03a&ei=5007&partner=USERLAND" title=" first link
permalink>. </a>
posted by fvw at 2:15 PM on February 25, 2004
And why the hell is MeFi inserting <BR>'s inside <PRE>'s, making it seem double-linespaced? Ok, I take it all back, I'd like to postemptively turn my post into "Matt! It's broken! Please hope us!", and vow never to post html to MeFi again.
posted by fvw at 2:17 PM on February 25, 2004
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posted by dash_slot- at 2:12 PM on February 25, 2004