155 posts tagged with formatting.
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Italicization is significant (again).
Should the search results pages' excerpts reflect the italicization of the original comments? [more inside]
Time to change from HTML?
I'm not sure if this has been discussed before recently, but are there any plans to change or add on text coding options beyond HTML? Like Markdown or rich text? [more inside]
Determining "D'oh!" draft delay
Would it be possible to create draft FPPs before the end of the 24-hour delay? In other words, you would get the D'oh!/"you have already posted a link in the past 24 hours" page after hitting publish instead of when you click on New Post. I think the 24-hour delay is a good thing but it's intended to prevent people from posting not writing. Changing the order would allow people to check HTML formatting and link accuracy earlier in the writing process if they want to post on back-to-back days. Aside from changing the back end of the publishing process (which I know nothing about and may very well be insurmountable) would it add additional work or issues for the mods over time? Is this something that other people who post FPPs would like? [more inside]
Two hundred tiny tweets?
The formatting of the story in the How I Quit Spin post drives me up the wall, and I propose that we should avoid linking to stories formatted that way on Metafilter. [more inside]
pdfs, the silent killer...
Small feature request: can we have pdfs mark themselves as such automatically? [more inside]
Titles are back, despite title font size being set to zero
I just noticed that setting the title font-size to zero in my user preferences no longer prevents titles from being displayed with posts. [more inside]
Markup Markdown Mark It All Around
I know that similar topics have been brought up in the past, but how about supporting Markdown on Metafilter? [more inside]
Is it a good idea to limit the number of "best answers"?
Just wanted to start a discussion on whether it's a good idea to limit the number of "best answers" in an AskMeFi thread. I started reading this thread and thought about forwarding it to a friend of mine, but the entire thing is almost unreadable due to the color contrast because the original poster "best answered" every comment. In addition, especially to a new user who doesn't necessarily know all of the formatting conventions, the whole thing is really busy. Nothing against the original poster, who is well within their rights to "best answer" as they see fit, but readability suffers in cases like this.
Big text for small screens
Mobile page changes?
Or not rendering properly? [more inside]
Text not "MeFi" enough?!
Regarding this post, which was deleted. "This is the sort of thing you need to write a more MeFi-like post for."
Well, considering that the text of the headline I used is very similar -- if anything, less graphic -- than the headline of the article I linked to, with much of the text is taken verbatim from the memo, with additional information accurately presented, can I get a clarification on how this isn't written in a Me-fi enough way, please?!
Pony: AAC uploading to MeFiMusic?
From this distance it's hard to tell whether it's a pony or a stallion: making AAC files uploadable to MeFiMusic? [more inside]
Linked to by/links to pages?
I noticed my Linked to by / Links to page has changed again. [more inside]
Italicization is significant.
Could the favorites pages reflect the italicization of the original comments? [more inside]
How did using italics for quoting become house style?
How did using italics for quoting become house style? If it didn't just evolve, who pushed it and why?
Formatting question--whitespace, bulleted lists
How do I add white space between items in bulleted lists on Metafilter? [more inside]
1 step forward, 2 steps back
Safari 5 (on Mac) breaks the post comment box formatting options? [more inside]
I need [more inside] and less outside.
Can limit the main text area so that people are encouraged to put [more inside] rather than so much outside? [more inside]
you're gonna love my blockquotes
I would like a small formatting pony. [more inside]
First things first.
Can we more strongly encourage posters to make their first link their most important one? [more inside]
Preformatted text formatting
Can we fix the <pre>formatted text bug where the live preview looks perfect, but the actual post ends up double-spaced? [more inside]
Can't tell who said what
What happened to put quotes in italics?
AskMe formatting wonkiness
Regarding the AskMe RSS feed formating - Currently there is no line break between the question and the [more inside]. Sometimes this makes for an odd run-on and repetitive paragraph that isn't what the poster intended. Since screen real-estate isn't a problem in the feed, might the powers-that-be consider throwing a paragraph between these sections? I use google reader but it's also formatted the same way in bloglines if this helps.
MP3 and PDF tags
You know those little MP3 or PDF tags on Wikipedia external links (see last external link), informing users they are about to click on a special file along with the file size? That would sure be nice for MeFi.
Line Break Issues in "Preview"
It's pretty annoying that inserting carriage returns shows line breaks as typed in the "preview" window, but the final result is breakless (after all, what's the point of the preview?). I've had unpredictable results manually adding "BR" tags and "P" tags...they seem to sporadically interact with the typed carriage returns and yield vast white space.
If anyone can point me to a workaround, I'd be appreciative. But, really, it'd be fitting if postings posted per the preview, no?
Contact List Formatting
A quick formatting request for the contacts lists: "links to" and "linked by" as vertical lists side by side rather than as blocks of inline text. Also, a little icon to indicate mutual contacts, and a little plus sign to add new non-mutual contacts from the "linked by" list. I have the del.icio.us contacts list in mind.
Giant stone statues shrink Recent Activity
When this post shows up in Recent Activity, the long small-text quote gets truncated, the <small> tag is never closed, and the rest of Recent Activity is rendered small.
RSS vs. Page formatting
Why does this question lose all formatting even though it is formatted in my RSS reader? Doesn't appear to have happened to other questions nearby.
Older and Newer links
Can the “
« Older
” and “Newer »
” links at the bottom of post pages use the post titles of the adjacent posts rather than the first few words truncated with an ellipsis?The New Left. No, wait...
Small inconsistency. On members' posts/comments pages, < newer / older>> point opposite to all the regular pages, which are < older / newer>>. Not terribly annoying, but easy to fix, no?
Brevity is the soul of. . . what again?
Flagging a post as "too long."
An end to [more inside] "witticism".
Could the "Post" button on new AskMe questions trigger a script to check that the first part of the question ends either in a "." or a "?"? This would bring an end to the [more inside] "witticisms" (e.g. Assuredly there's [more inside]). I realise it is minor, and that I have also once been guilty of propagating this lame disruptive meme.
Office chair question bug
Is there a bug in this question? Looks fine on its own page, but on the main AskMe page it starts with the second sentence: "But this time...". Perhaps something to do with the fact that the first sentence is identical to the title?
Preferred method of quoting others' comment?
What's the proper method for quoting a commenter in a thread? For years, I had taken to just posting the thought in italics and nothing else. More and more however, I notice people pulling out the quote with the post date/time and user name. Are both methods acceptable? Neither? Better to link to the comment in question and not quote it at all? Please hope me.
Tiny text is hard to read!
The tiny text that some posters tend to use as asides (example here in miss lynsters comment) is truly hard to read in anything longer than a sentence, particularly for those of us born to the mole people.
This seems to be the best place as any other to ask that people consider that [small] font is rather difficult to read in chunks!
( I realize that yes, the actual answer is to Ctrl-+ on FireFox read it and reverse, but then everything else goes huge. )
I broke my FPP!
So despite reading the MeFi Wiki and crunchland's profile, I managed to screw up my FPP ( this one ) and it now appears on the home page without a title.
Would one of the admins be kind enough to correct the link title of the post?
You may also suggest suitable means of atonement for this extremely n00b-ish screwup.
Where does the via go?
href... slash... a.... dammit!
Is it just me, or did my autoformatting buttons vanish with my last Firefox update (I assume this is the cause, as the two coincided)? If I have to start hand-coding hyperlinks again I will probably just go into an unresponsive fugue state instead.
Better way to link
Is there be a better way to automate links in comments and answers?
Youtube posts could be playlists.
A suggestion for Youtube (music video) posts: playlists. [how-to inside]
pulling out info from pages without anchors
FPP question.
In making up an art centered post, I'm finding lots of great images with data that describes the particular piece of art. However, the art and data about it is on a web page with other pictures (sometimes relate, sometimes not)and the specific pieces I want to use do NOT have anchers. The data about the images is important, because the images are part of a storytelling genre/style and the data helps shed light on the images (which are at least 100 years old usually).
So would it be better to link to just the images or link to the web page and just mention that you have to scroll?
In making up an art centered post, I'm finding lots of great images with data that describes the particular piece of art. However, the art and data about it is on a web page with other pictures (sometimes relate, sometimes not)and the specific pieces I want to use do NOT have anchers. The data about the images is important, because the images are part of a storytelling genre/style and the data helps shed light on the images (which are at least 100 years old usually).
So would it be better to link to just the images or link to the web page and just mention that you have to scroll?
Playing time of video in superscript? Annoying!
Is this the first time someone has linked to videos with the playing time in superscript? Am I the only one who finds it really annoying?
vestigial more inside sentences
In askmefi, I occasionally see some posts where the first question field ends with "of course ..." as if the rest of the sentence is cut off. In older posts, though, that phrase usually ends with "... there's more" as in "of course there's more." Is it because it's an askmefi cliche and that metafilter users are perpetuating it as a joke, or if it's because that particular sentence is automatically truncated by admins who deem it unnecessary because of the [more inside] denotation?
Ex-Image Formatting
Since you're already stripping out the image tag code (like on this post), why not either change it to a link or drop the whole line entirely? The code that's left is unsightly.
Profile Changes Borked MeFi
Early Sunday morning I made two minor changes to my user page (added my new blog's address, changed the text in the location line), and when I saved the changes and viewed my user page again, it and every other page of MeFi suddenly appeared as white with black text. And so it has remained. If I delete cookies and log out, I see it in blue, grey and green, but not otherwise. Why has this happened and how can I fix it? I dislike the white so much I can't stand to read the site.
Tag Guidelines
Tags: I hate how they have to be crunched into one word. What's the policy/ettiquette about using underscores? Does it break the database? Or should I avoid them just because they're not convention, therefore no one will know to search for them?
This huge thread kills Safari/OmniWeb
This huge thread kills Safari/OmniWeb. I'd like there to be a preference that allows me to see massive posts broken up by 100s of comments or something. Alternatively, is there a different CSS file that can be loaded for these that will keep Safari/OmniWeb from crashing?
Use of Wikipedia ^
I made a FPP (Stern Review of global warming) linking to Wikipedia using the ^ - for stylistic reasons, I wanted to emphasis the second link in the FPP and not the Wikipedia link, which is the first link, and so wanted to keep it small and unobtrusive. Someone< ?> then changed it and made it a full link. Is there a style-policy? Is it documented anywhere?
Smart Quotes and RSS
Smart Quotes Ahoy! Love 'em or hate 'em, they turn up awful weird in my RSS reader.
Not a major crisis, I was just surprised to see Word-style formatting passing through after the very recent thread on blocking entities.
Not a major crisis, I was just surprised to see Word-style formatting passing through after the very recent thread on blocking entities.
The link is what you're supposed to talk about
Would everyone please cut it out? Pretty please?!