There are too many blogs out there... May 24, 2000 11:27 PM   Subscribe

I've been recently introduced to weblogs - well, I read for a while, but didn't realize there were a few million others... And that's the problem. There are a few million others. The amount of information and interesting content available is daunting to the point of being depressing.

Yes, it depresses me that there is so much *good*stuff* out there, because I can't possible get to it all! And that's just the internet! There's so much more in Real Life! Aargh... this is such a *plain* thought, but it is a thought that bothers me immensely... maybe I'm just weird.

There may be a bit of a feeling of inadequacy, as well... not sure about that. :-)
posted by whatnotever to General Weblog-Related at 11:27 PM

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