Posts in the Etiquette/Policy Category.
Displaying 81 through 90 (of 4717)

May 19, 2020

Please don't use Unicode to make fancy fonts in posts

I've noticed more and more posts that make use of Unicode characters to simulate fancy fonts in FPPs. This breaks screen readers, often in very annoying ways. For example, “𝒎” is read out by my screen reader as "mathematical bold italic small m". So whole words or sentences of this makes a post impossible to understand. Please avoid. [more inside]

May 17, 2020

Another COVID communication post

Recently, I've seen several AskMe posts where posters have felt the need to engage in harsh critique of self or others in order to fend off AskMe judgment concerning their taking actions during the pandemic that are clearly driven by need (even potential life-or-death emergencies) and not frivolous. This troubles and saddens me. [more inside]

April 24, 2020

paywalled article for fpp

I was thinking about making an fpp about how Whole Foods is using a "heat map" of factors to try and prevent unionization. The article is behind a paywall at Business Insider I read it on an archive site. Is there a way to make post that people can read ethically?

March 1, 2020

Platform/system requirements in video game posts

Many thanks to everyone who makes MetaFilter posts about cool new video games! And one request: When possible, could these posts please include information about which platforms the game runs on? [more inside]

February 24, 2020

A plea for the end of conspiracy theories

Conspiracy theories: please stop. Between coronavirus and the primaries the conspiracy theories have been ranging far and wide. Before writing up that comment with the latest conspiracy you found on Twitter, please get some evidence of it besides Random Twitter Person or If said evidence does not exist, maybe sit on the comment until something manifests from a reasonable news source. If your argument for posting without evidence is that said evidence will not manifest because The Man is suppressing it . . . well, maybe your comment would work better as a rant on Medium or Twitter. It is really tempting to post things that confirm our existing biases but c'mon, a little skepticism and basic media literacy in this day and age never hurt anyone.

February 11, 2020

Sharing copyright infringing material on metafilter?

What is the metafilter opinion on sharing links to material that might be infringing copyright? For example, They have the complete Maus, and several books by Will Eisner among others that I'm pretty sure they don't have the rights to. Am I right about that? I can't see anything on the site that suggests the DO have the rights. I'd love to create a metafilter post sharing these, but it seems wrong, since this is essentially a pirate site, as far as I can tell?

Won't somebody think of the Twitterless?

It's a request. I have never been on Twitter, and don't plan to be. So when there's a comment on the blue that consists only of a link to a tweet, I can't read it. I just see a picture of a bird. This is frustrating, especially when I don't bother to over-hover the link to identify it as a tweet. My understanding is that tweets are limited to a small number of characters. If there isn't some Twitter mechanism blocking the copying of content, could you please paste that content into the comment? TIA

January 25, 2020

I am going to regret this

I made a comment about Stephen King's "The Outsider" referencing what I thought was a well known trope. [more inside]

January 22, 2020

Calling Out lyssabee

Lyssabee has subjected me to a drive-by act of kindness in response to a comment of mine. Read on. [more inside]

January 7, 2020

A gentle reminder about the intersection of class and culture

I grew up in a working class area. I saw first hand the extent to which people from different backgrounds (including my own immediate family) can be unintentionally dismissive and hurtful about things that are fairly central to some working class folks' culture and identity. I'd like to talk about that a little bit so we can avoid replicating that dynamic quite as much on Metafilter. [more inside]

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