5 posts tagged with 2020.
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Metafilter: a blog dedicated to identifying our reptilian overlords

Writing purportedly about the Nashville bomber, yahoo! news reporter Caitlin Dickinson revealed our true purpose.
posted by hat_eater on Jan 1, 2021 - 69 comments

Underappreciated comments 2020

Looks like it's been a couple of years since the last time anyone did this, and I miss it... Let's show some love for the hidden-gem comments that made you laugh, cry, or cheer this year, which you immediately recognized as genius, but somehow slipped under everyone else's radar. [more inside]
posted by Mchelly on Dec 29, 2020 - 21 comments

"All around me are familiar faces"

If you had to pick a song or two to accompany 2020 thus far, what would it be? [more inside]
posted by clavdivs on Dec 26, 2020 - 72 comments

7th Annual MST Club Holiday Video Marathon Social Distancing Edition

It's time again for that weird thing we do, which is program 72 hours of specials, bad Christmas movies, MST3K episodes and other things. It's MST Club's 2020 Holiday Video Marathon! We usually put this in for intermittent yuletide jollies and destress, to help people relax at an often frustrating time of year. This year, with so many people sensibly staying home for the holidays, it promises both to be less and more stressful than usual. Anyone can come by and watch weird stuff with us, members or not! Our show runs from December 23 through to midnight December 25. Details inside! [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Dec 22, 2020 - 16 comments

Happy New Year, MetaFilter

It's 2020 pretty much everywhere now, if I've done my timezone math right, so: here's to the new year, and to all of us in this weird old online community keeping on together and seeing what we can make of this next year. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jan 1, 2020 - 49 comments

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