9 posts tagged with Comments and new.
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This "x new comments," does it delete too?

When the "x new comments" link is clicked, does it also magically pull out deleted comments as well? [more inside]
posted by nevercalm on Jun 28, 2011 - 27 comments

New in My Comments not working right?

The "new comments" thing isn't working on the My Comments page. [more inside]
posted by kafziel on Apr 10, 2010 - 2 comments

is there any way to force a refresh of the (# new) posts on the main page?

OK, probably dumb question, but is there any way to force a refresh of the (# new) posts on the main page? I know it's time delimited somehow, but beyond that I'm clueless. And is there a place around here I can find that kind of information? Thanks in advance, oh, expert-types.

Oh, and on preview, the links for 'About', 'Etc.' and 'Customize' don't work on the MeTa preview page.
posted by umberto on Sep 4, 2005 - 4 comments

Notification of new threads and comments.

Would it be possible to add a "There have been X new threads and Y new comments on MetaTalk since your last visit" to the MetaFilter page?
posted by skwm on Sep 30, 2001 - 5 comments

Thread/Comment and User Growth statistics, July 2001

Thread/Comment and User Growth statistics are up for July. This is the first month that threads and comments actually dropped slightly, largely because new user signups are still disabled. Also, we broke 10,000 user IDs yesterday. Congratulations, Ricci.
posted by waxpancake on Aug 2, 2001 - 26 comments

Sometimes I stash a topic href in my bookmarks for a few days

Sometimes I stash a topic href in my bookmarks for a few days, so I don't forget about it as it rolls further and further off the front page. It Would Be Neat if topic pages declared how many new messages they contained, preempting a bit of thought as to whether it's worth scrolling down and finding my place again.
posted by bumppo on Mar 22, 2001 - 1 comment


Wierdness. I'm logged in and all, but comments are always staying "new." I've tried logging in, then out, then back in again, trying refreshing the home page, closing broswer, nothing. My cookie settings are all on "accept." I'll read a discussion, go back to the home page, and all the topics still stay the same number of "new" comments. Anyone else having this problem? I'm using IE 5.0, Win98.
posted by gramcracker on Feb 18, 2001 - 1 comment

New Comments Only

I tread warily here, but... Matt, you've been working on customisation and filtering, have you considered a preference that would display only new items? I've looked at the current Prefs page and don't see it, nor do I think it's come up in these threads discussing the filtering feature set (obvious apologies if I'm walking back over old, tired ground...).

A simple boolean should be enough to get started with this:

[ ] Show me only thread that have new comments

I'm assuming that you either consider a new thread to automatically be a new comment as well in the back end, or that you can relatively easily do so. Since the db already "knows" what we've read, you'd be screening us from any threads that have had no activity. The benefit would be to allow setting the "show number of days" up higher to track discussions you are interested in, without having to wade through the many, many threads that have their day or two in the MeFi sun and then go the way of all things.
posted by m.polo on Jul 9, 2000 - 0 comments

how about having the word "new" link to an anchor

After each post, where it says "x comments (x new)," how about having the word "new" link to an anchor of the first new comment on that link's comments page?
posted by Nikolai on May 7, 2000 - 1 comment

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