3 posts tagged with ConversationStarters.
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It Turns Out to Be A Case of Mistaken Identity!

A conversation-starter as another incredible week draws to a close... Let's talk about intentionally shedding one or more of aspects of identity: the what, the why, the how, and the results vis-a-vis your state of mind. Did some part of your identity become a burden, perhaps an affiliation with a social/religious group or just being The One Who Loves Pigs And So Will Be Given Porcine Porcelain Forever? Did you discover unacceptable limitations associated with an aspect of your identity, like never being able to do or say [x] because it conflicted with that persona? Was it easy or hard to let go? Did you decide to recast your vocation as an avocation (or vice versa)? Or tell us about how you came to re-home your hobby gear. Was it part of finding true purpose, living authentically, embracing growing up, removing a source of guilt, or simply moving on? Did the shedding happen as a consequence of other identities you chose intentionally, like becoming a parent? Did your identity shift gears, perhaps because you decided to be a maker and creator of [x] instead of a consumer and aficionado of it? Did you affirmatively let something go, put it on a shelf or let it drift away? Are you at peace with it? And how did it go if you chose to announce your decision, e.g., the equivalent of, "I don't collect pigs anymore," to your friends and family? [more inside]
posted by carmicha on Aug 23, 2019 - 29 comments


End of another long week filled with awful politics/news. Let's talk about something else instead. Tell me about a time you did a thing and were filled with immediate regret, some decision or action where you realized, “I regret this decision immediately.” It can be serious or silly, but should you feel so inclined, share with the community some of your instant regrets. :)
posted by Fizz on Aug 24, 2018 - 146 comments

Dear AskMe, My Husband's T-Shirt Has Llama Stains.

My husband and I are both MeFites - he introduced me! - and we often wonder about other couples or close friends who reference Metafilter in various 'inside joke'-type ways. Do you do this? And how? [more inside]
posted by VioletU on May 31, 2018 - 70 comments

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