59 posts tagged with DC.
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DC meetup proposal, Screen on the Green

Hey MefiDC, how about a Screen on the Green meetup one of these Mondays? Preferably a non-rainy one.
posted by brownpau on Jul 27, 2004 - 11 comments

DC/Baltimore Gaming Meetup

I just wanted everyone to know we're still trying to arrange a DC/Balitmore Board Gaming MeFi Meetup over on the Wiki. It's been a while since we've discussed it over there, because we had some roadblocks with vacations and such, so I though I'd mention it here again. If people are free, we'd even be interested in doing it this weekend.
posted by emptybowl on Jul 20, 2004 - 15 comments

Baltimore/DC games meetup

After seeing how many board game fans there are in this AskMeFi thread yesterday, I was wondering....would anyone be interested in a Baltimore/DC Area (I'm in-between) MeFi Board Game MeetUp? I'd love to play Settlers of Catan or Puerto Rico against some new players. (My brother's tactics are getting way too predictable after playing so much.)
posted by emptybowl on May 18, 2004 - 28 comments

Anyone in the Baltimore/DC area interested in having a meetup?

Anyone in the Baltimore/DC area interested in having a meetup?
posted by Grod on May 3, 2004 - 1 comment

DC Meetup

DC MeFi meetup! Per this AxMe thread. [more inside]
posted by MrMoonPie on Mar 26, 2004 - 34 comments

DC Meetup Photos

At the DC meetup last night, we had cameras. [More inside.]
posted by arco on Aug 8, 2003 - 39 comments

DC meetup proposal

Now that we have the nifty zip-code identifier, I see that there is a decent crowd here in DC. Any want to do a gathering? This is the time of year....patios and roofdecks are open, its light late, perfect time for picking a bar and going to meet a bunch of strangers.
posted by pjgulliver on Jul 8, 2003 - 57 comments

Midatlantic Meetup

Organizing a D.C./mid-atlantic MeFi gathering, part two. (more inside)
posted by danOstuporStar on Apr 2, 2002 - 12 comments

MidAtlantic Meetup

Those Southern Californians are having their own get-together - so why not the mid-Atlantic region? I'm not exactly volunteering to organize, but if any DC/Baltimore/etc are Metafilterites would be interested in such a scheme, perhaps here would be a good place to post about it.
posted by GriffX on Mar 11, 2002 - 18 comments

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