4 posts tagged with DD.
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So... anyone interested in starting a Metafilter D&D campaign?
I hear tell that Roll20 makes it pretty easy to run campaigns online. I have basically no experience with D & D, but I keep running into people and podcasts that make it seem pretty fun, especially if you have a good sense of humor. Any nerds want to come help me figure it out? :D [more inside]
Philly halfling clerics represent!
D&D (or related RPG) mefites in Philadelphia area? [more inside]
We're gonna adventure like it's 1983!
Red Box Basic D&D meetup: Sunday, May 4 in Montreal? [more inside]
Outstanding comment saves D&D thread from troll
It started off as an innocent thread about D&D. It degenerated into a trainwreck of trolling and vituperation. But then, at the last, it was rescued by a truly outstanding comment. This is both what I hate and what I love most about metafilter.